We’re glad you have decided to visit Medford United Methodist Church. Visitors often have questions before they have even arrived. If we haven’t answered your question here, please contact the church office at 609/654-8111 or [email protected]
Medford United Methodist Church is located at 2 Hartford Road, at the intersection of Hartford Road, Himmelein Road and Taunton Boulevard in Medford, New Jersey. If you need directions from a specific location, use this link or call the church office for assistance: 609/654-8111.
No matter which service you plan to attend on Sunday morning, look for our greeters, who will be stationed near the doors to the worship spaces. Any one of them will be able to answer your questions or direct you to the worship service, Sunday School class, or meeting space you are seeking. Check out the Welcome Center located inside the Family Life Center for more information or a cup of coffee.
Check out our detailed campus map.
We offer a variety of worship services and styles. Each of these services is unified around one common message, typically planned as a series lasting 4-6 weeks. We believe the message should be clear, relevant and something that we can carry into the world.
Yes – though we don’t call it that. Kids’ Church is for children ages preschool through elementary during the 9:30 worship service. Children are invited to spend the first part of worship with their families, and then after the children’s message are dismissed to Kids’ Church, where they explore bible stories using multiple intelligences. Parents can pick up their children after worship in Bowker Hall.
Our church office is on the first floor of education (east) wing of the main facility. Check our campus map for the office location. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. Feel free to stop by at your convenience or call 609/654-8111. Please leave a message on the voice mail system if calling outside regular hours.
Yes, our Family Life Center is fully accessible, with automatic doors. Our Sanctuary and Bowker Hall are also accessible. Check the campus map for accessible ramps, restrooms and easy entrance points. Accessible parking is available at both of our buildings.