Fri Aug 6-Stuck in the Dirt

Psalm 119:25-26 (CEB)

25 My life is stuck in the dirt.
    Now make me live again according to your promise!
26 I confessed my ways and you answered me.
    Now teach me your statutes!


Life has been very confusing lately. We hear new information about the virus constantly, sometimes contradictory information. We understand we’re supposed to wear masks and socially distance ourselves from others but then walk past a large group of people unmasked. It’s disorienting. It can sometimes feel like everyone’s living in a different reality. I remember when I first had to close the churches I was serving back in March; “Just for two weeks,” I said. “We’ll cancel more services if need be.” I didn’t think we’d be here now.

Today’s text comes from a very long, intricately written poem. The Psalmist desperately wants clarity from God about how to live the way God wants us to and they really hold in high regard the importance of putting God first in their life no matter what. Their life is not perfect (“My life is stuck in dirt“) but they aren’t asking for a perfect life here, they are asking for discernment from God. They are asking for God to teach them, and lead them, and be at the center of their lives no matter how hard things get.

That’s actually really tough to do. I often just want to ask God to fix things and make them better. How can we reframe our prayers to God in a way that asks God, not for solutions, but for clarity on the ways that God’s love and grace can help us through?

“Now make me live again according to your promise!”

By Rachel Callender

For Pondering & Prayer

What have your conversations with God sounded like during this pandemic?

Prayer: Merciful God, we know that amongst all the chaos and confusion, your love has remained clear. Help us remember that, Lord, so that we may hold that love at the center of our day. Amen.

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