WORSHIP RESERVATION – February 13th, 11:00 am TRADITIONAL SERVICE By registering for the 11:00 am in-person worship service, I/we acknowledge the following:Neither I nor anyone in my household is currently experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, including but not limited to: fever, loss of smell or taste, cough, muscle aches, sore throat, shortness of breath, chills, headache, or gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea/vomiting/diarrhea or loss of appetite.Neither I nor anyone in my household has been diagnosed with COVID-19 or asked to quarantine by a medical professional or public health official.Neither I nor anyone in my household has been in close contact with someone who has either been diagnosed with COVID-19 or quarantined due to possible exposure.Neither I nor anyone in my household has traveled out of the country in the last 14 days.The CDC states that older adults and those with underlying health conditions are at greater risk of severe illness due to COVID-19. I understand that while Medford UMC will abide by all pertinent regulations and guidance to keep our people safe, there remains the risk of infection with COVID-19 whenever people are gathered. I Agree (MUST be checked to proceed)By registering, I/we commit to the following:If unvaccinated, I will always wear a cloth mask covering both my mouth and nose when indoors. I will always wear a cloth face mask covering both my mouth and nose outdoors when social distancing is not possible (those under the age of 2 are exempt).I/we will refrain from handshaking, hugs and other forms of physical contact, and maintain a 6 foot distance from others whenever possible.If I or anyone in my household exhibit symptoms of COVID-19 within 14 days of the event, I will contact the church office ([email protected]) so that appropriate follow-up steps can be taken with the Burlington County Health Department. I Commit (MUST be checked to proceed)Regarding Vaccinations:OPTIONAL: As we continue to determine what restrictions to lift, data on our community’s vaccination status is helpful in ensuring the safety of others. We are requesting that people disclose their vaccination status. WE ARE ONLY TRACKING NUMBERS/PERCENTAGES. This information is not stored associated with your name. Number in my party who are vaccinated: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number in my party who are NOT vaccinated: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Please enter your registration info:Your Name (Last, First)PhoneEmailHow many in your household plan to attend with you (including yourself)? Names of others planning to attend with you?