Lay Reader Schedule

Wishing you a healthy good year in 2020. The effort you put forth in reading scripture for our church services is much appreciated. Below is the winter schedule for Jan. Feb. and Mar. Should you have a conflict, please find someone to switch with you and then contact Lisa by phone 609.254.8111 or email her at [email protected] so she can make the change in the bulletin. Again, thank you.

Month Date 8:15 9:30 11:00
January 5th Craig Liska Cindy Curry Alan Brickner
  12th Ann Schaeffer Karen Dvorschak Bonnie Crosby
  19th Joyce Vitalis Doug Fearon Steve Howard
  26th Shirley Beckett Leigh Catapano Patty Rosvold
February 2nd John Cornue Brent Hennis Joan McGovern
  9th Nancy Gager Anne Tokazewski Clarence Beverage
  16th Tish Cornue Laura Pratte Bonnie Crosby
  23rd Jacquey Dougherty Mike Polhemus Burton Rich
March 1st Brian Harriett Page Tokazewski Chris Howard
  8th Linda Bunning Tina Plummer Craig DiGiamarino
  15th Craig Liska Barbara Carlson Donna Crosier
  22nd Ann Schaeffer Donna Huang Glenn Lloyd
  29th Nancy Gager Sarah Vahlstrom Char Style

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