1. On mobile, can we suppress the expanded menus? It just looks like way too much stuff. Is there a way to click them to expand?
I will try. This template makes me angry.
2. “Happenings” as a top-level menu is less clear than we want it to be. Let’s change that section to “Calendar.” Let’s make the church calendar the FIRST thing on that menu.
3. On the front-page slider, the pop-ups are kind of ugly and inconsistent with the rest of the page design. Can we instead redirect to a page or to a well-designed PDF? How to implement this?
Creating a separate page for each event with only a paragraph description will be a real work generator. The PopUp maker is quick and easy. There are some other formats of templates that may be more to your liking. I can change the active popups to have different styles, if you want, for comparison. They may be tunable too.
4. Change the front-page button colors from green to the steel blue color listed above.
5. On the front page, recolor the podcast logo to black.
6. On the front page, add a black Instagram logo and we also need to add our app logo.
7. On the front page, recolor all social media logos to black.
8. Is there anything we can/need to do to make the phone numbers clickable? Is the slash a problem? This seems like it may be a Chrome-only issue. Safari seems to be ok.
Done. I had to change the format of the numbers.
9. All text in the address area of the front page should be black rather than dark gray.
10. On mobile, the “Upcoming Calendar” section of the front page is in an odd serif font – can we make it consistent with the rest of the page?
11. “Schedule” needs to be included as a keyword on the calendar page – right now when you search that word, it doesn’t return the calendar page.
Search function removed.
12. Is it possible, in all FAQs, to suppress the + sign?
Not sure. That is actually a set of graphics I will have to remove or change. Is this a big thing?
13. Is it possible to reduce the space between elements of FAQ pages (for example, page id = 704, the giving FAQs)?
14. On the “Give” page (649), there is a bible reference to Proverbs 3:9-10 that doesn’t implement the pop-up scripture reference plugin used elsewhere.
This plugin has me flumuxed. I dont think it is working correctly with this version of WordPress.
15. On the “Give” page (649), can we make the text “Still have questions?” the same size as “Check out this list of FAQs”? Also, can we reduce the spacing between those elements by one line?
16. On the “Giving FAQs” page (704), let’s move the question about “Is it secure?” to the top of the page.
17. On the “Giving FAQs” page (704), “Ready to get started” link should go to Pushpay’s site, and not back the main “Give” page: https://pushpay.com/g/medfordumc?src=hpp
Done [10/29]
18. Update the text of the “Preschool” page (582) with text from Claire & header & quote box from Tamika.
19. When you click on the “Calendar” link from the “Preschool” page (582), the result leads you to a page where “calendar” is misspelled.
I dont think I can get at it. I think that is drawn from Maribeth’s Google Preschool calendar, not something on our page.
20. Delete “Gatherings” from under the “Happenings” main menu – not being used. We need to develop a “Small Groups” page.
21. Simplify the “Happenings” menu further by creating a page where you can access both the current version of the Messenger and the archive – rather than having two menu entries for the “Current” and “Newsletter library.” Call this new page “Messenger Newsletter.”
22. On the “Happenings” menu, instead of linking to the weekly announcements PDF each week (which often contain people’s phone numbers), link to the weekly e-news that Claire publishes, call it “This Week at MUMC.”
I have been accomplishing this manually each week as I get the publication from Claire. It just requires knowing the item number associated with the weekly item. [12/2]
23. We want to create a page of staff bios and pictures, housed under the “Contact” menu. We like the “portfolio” layout feature that’s part of this template. Claire has the text. https://www.wowthemes.net/preview/index.php?theme=silentiowp
24. Is it possible from the “Contact Us” (745) page to implement a reply-back feature that would send an automatic email saying something like: “Thank you for contacting Medford UMC. Someone will reply to your request within 24 hours (Monday morning if over the weekend). If you do not hear from us, please feel free to call us at 609/654-8111.”
Not with the Plug In we are using. It is possible to adjust the text on the Post-submit landing page.
25. We really like the font for the header of the “Explore” (133) page as it appears on desktop. On mobile, though, it becomes something entirely different. Is there a way to carry this font through Explore/Visit/Connect/Quick Info? Other pages we want to (eventually) use text embedded in an image as the header.
26. Can we go back to just using the word “Explore” on the top of page 133 – not “Exploring How You Fit”? Sorry, I know it was a hassle to get to this as it stands. The “teaser” text that gets brought to the front page gives a good sense of what that page is about, so “Exploring How You Fit” isn’t necessary and causes problems displaying that “teaser” text.
27. The image on the top of the “Visit” page (135) is actually a slider – but only on mobile?
I am unsure what is going on here. I did not see it happening. [10/29]
28. We also would like to implement the “Quick Info” page as a portfolio, but with the text embedded in each of the images.
29. Upload Building Use form to “Quick Info” page (139).
30. Create “Children & Youth Ministries” page with input from Claire/Bethany/others.
31. In general, why is our site labeled as “not secure”?
This is because of an initiative that some browsers took a couple years ago to highlight all websites without an SSL certificate. You will notice that IE does not do it. Safari does on the mobile. We can purchase a certificate to make it go away. It will also change our URL from http to https.