It doesn’t matter if you prefer contemporary music or you need a weekly dose of organ music with choirs, Medford UMC has you covered! Come to worship and be inspired by our choirs and band. Sing along, be moved by the music and fully immerse yourself in worship. But don’t just come listen, we encourage you to join us.
Participation in the music program is one way to develop and grow a relationship with God. Biblical and spiritual concepts are reinforced through music and it is a fun way to serve the church. Our musical groups support each other through fellowship and prayer and serve God through music.
Vocal Choirs
Medford UMC’s adult vocal choir practices weekly from September through June. In addition to singing almost every Sunday during worship, our choirs perform special programs at Christmas, Easter and at the end of the program year. Check out the church calendar for the rehearsal schedule and join in at any time.
For more information, please contact our Vocal Choir Director, Carol Reilly, through the church office.
Handbell Choirs
Bells have been ringing for over 35 years at Medford UMC. New ringers are always welcome, even those with no handbell experience. While the ability to read music is helpful, it is not required. We have two adult choirs and a youth bell choir for 5th through 12th graders. Each group rings approximately once a month but practices weekly during the program year (September – June) and participates in a special Christmas concert. Additionally, ringing opportunities with choir chimes are available for younger children once a month during Kids Church time at the 9am worship service.
Check out the church calendar for the rehearsal schedule.
For more information, please contact our Bell Choir Director, Barb Frame, through the church office.
Worship Band
Our worship band is led by Nate Gonzalez and plays every Sunday at the contemporary service. We are always looking for singers and instrumentalists. Rehearsals are held regularly – check the church calendar. Click here to connect with Nate.
Individual Instrumentalists
If you are an instrumentalist or vocalist and would like to sing or play in worship on occasion, please speak to any member of our music staff. Your participation is always welcome.