Thanksgiving Food Drive

Isaiah 58:10

Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.

It’s time to give thanks and help those who are less fortunate who might otherwise go hungry this Thanksgiving. The Medford UMC is sponsoring our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive which will benefit the Neighborhood Center in Camden. Food donations can be dropped off at the Family Life Center (FLC) before and after the 9 AM service and in the narthex of the church before and after the 10:30 AM service from now until November 19.  A list of food items is below, and remember your earned grocery store turkey can be donated as well. (We will store them in the church freezer until the delivery date). Acme and ShopRite gift certificates are appreciated too as we can purchase turkeys with them. Please bring your donations in a bag to facilitate the Neighborhood Center with packing and distributing the groceries. Again, donations will be collected through Sunday, November 19, the day we will deliver them to the Center.  

We appreciate your donations to help our neighbors in need. If you would like to make a monetary donation, you can visit our secure online giving system on the Church App and choose Thanksgiving Food Drive, or Click this link .

Food Items Needed

  • TURKEY!!!
  • Fresh Veggies  (green beans, corn, carrots, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, collard greens, broccoli)
  • Fresh Fruit (apples, oranges, pears, bananas)
  • Canned Veggies (same as above, mixed veggies)
  • Starches, Misc. (sauces, boxed stuffing, seasonings, mac & cheese, baking goods, brown/white rice, chicken broth, instant potatoes, oil, pasta, hot/cold cereal, jelly, peanut butter, tuna

“Food for Thought” (when making a food donation)

  • Everyone donates mac and cheese in a box but… They can rarely use it because it needs milk and butter which is hard to get from a regular food bank.
  • Boxed milk is a treasure because children need it for cereal which they receive in abundance.
  • Everyone donates spaghetti noodles and pasta sauce. Get creative! Don’t be like everyone.
  • Canned veggies and Soup…Nothing like a good cup of soup, IF YOU CAN OPEN THE CAN! Maybe thrown in a can opener or find pull-top cans.
  • Rice-a-Roni is the “San Francisco Treat” as the commercials used to say… Ever try to cook it without oil?
  • Spices, salt and pepper are a real Christmas gift!
  • Tea bags and coffee… Make them feel like you care.
  • Sugar and flour are treats!
  • Fresh Produce. They fawn over fresh produce donated by farmers and grocery stores.
  • Where’s the Beef?? They rarely get fresh meat.
  • Tuna and crackers are a good lunch.
  • Hamburger Helper…Not much help without the ground beef!
  • Peanut butter and jelly comes in abundance…Not much of a sandwich without bread to spread it on.
  • Butter or margarine is nice to receive.
  • No one cares which came first…Eggs and chicken are a hot commodities.
  • A cake mix makes it possible to make a child’s birthday cake…Don’t forget the frosting!
  • Dishwashing detergent…Very expensive but is very appreciated.
  • Feminine hygiene products are a luxury…and women will cry over this donation.
  • Everyone loves Stove Top stuffing!
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