Our worship schedule offers traditional and contemporary services on Sunday mornings. We would love to have you join us!
9:00 am – Contemporary Worship in the Family Life Center
With music led by our praise band, live-streamed on Facebook and on our website each week.
10:30 am – Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary
Our traditional service includes special music from our musicians and bell choirs.
We typically celebrate Holy Communion on the first Sunday of the month. A gluten-free option is always available, and all are invited to the table in the United Methodist Tradition. We also invite those joining our livestream to share in the sacrament with their families.
We live-stream on Facebook and here on our site (medfordumc.org/live-worship) each week. If you miss a Sunday, you can find links to our weekly message and full worship service at our YouTube Channel (“Medford UMC Morning Messages”), on Facebook, here at our website (medfordumc.org) or in our app (to download, text “medfordapp” to 833/700-2226).
Please contact us at the church office if you have any questions, or just drop by on Sunday morning. We would love to have you visit!