Tue Oct 25-Peace Maker

Matthew 5:9 (CEB)

“Happy are people who make peace, because they will be called God’s children.


Have you ever met a peace maker? Like someone who just exudes calmness and reason?

I’m often drawn to these kinds of people. I strive for peace yet find myself to be too anxious (maybe even a little dramatic) for such a title. I envy their qualities of being very present, centered, and serene. You can never have too many peacemakers in your life. I can often sense God’s presence in the company of peace makers.

Jesus’ Beatitudes begin with the blessings over those who are suffering (the grieving, the hungry, etc.) yet shifts to blessings for those with admirable qualities (those who show mercy, have pure hearts, etc.). I think sometimes when we’re the people grieving, we don’t feel blessed like those who are, say, the peacemakers. But what Jesus challenges us with these opening thoughts in the Sermon on the Mount is that those who seem very at one with God and seem to just exude God’s presence are equally blessed and loved as those who are hungry or meek. What it challenges us to remember is that just because someone appears one way, maybe even in a way we envy, does not mean that they are without grief or thirst.

Blessed are the peace makers, God’s children, who calm the many storms that rage in this world. May we remember that their peace does not mean that they are without suffering.

by Rachel Callender

For Pondering & Prayer

Do you know a peace maker? What qualities make them that in your mind? What qualities of a peace maker do you have? Say a prayer for the peace makers, they have a lot of work on their hands.

Prayer: God of Peace, bless Your children who invite stillness and silence into our loud and hectic lives. Bless their unheard struggles and be ever-present as we seek ways to bring more peace into the world. Amen.

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