Wed Feb 16-A Pinch of Grace

Ephesians 4:7 (CEB)

God has given his grace to each one of us measured out by the gift that is given by Christ.


Have you ever seen those meme’s where cartoon God is creating someone and is mixing together different characteristics? It typically ends with God accidently spilling too much of a certain characteristic into someone. For example, it would be like: “To make Rachel, there’s a pinch of kindness, a sprinkle of humor, a dash of compassion, and just a little bit of a love for cats – oops, there goes the whole vile!” – then leading to my obsession with cats. I find this poking fun of the idea of God mixing different levels of characteristics together to make us quite silly and good fun!

It’s a good thing, though, that that’s the extent of where our measuring can go. It’s a lucky thing that God’s measuring out how much grace to give to us is not filtered through us or we’d be in big trouble. It is through Christ and Christ’s sacrifice that grace is measured. It is through God’s giving the world God’s Son, that we can know of the gift of grace that God so desperately wants us to feel this day. It is the gift, that unearned gift, that we ourselves aren’t measured, but God’s infinite, unmatchable love for us is measured.

By Rachel Callender

For Pondering & Prayer

Without looking up a definition, write your own definition for “grace”. What does it look, feel, sound, smell, taste like?

Prayer: Holy God, we thank you for your gift of grace that we so often ignore. You never give up on us even when we turn from you. May we feel your grace this day. Amen.

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