Capital Investment Priorization

The purpose of this worksheet is to start the prioritization process for capital expenditures. The task is to assign one of the following priority levels for each: Top Third, Middle Third, Bottom Third, or When Needed. Top Third is the highest priority. If there are other requirements not listed, feel free to add them in space at the end, along with your priority assessment. Note: There are 33 items on the list so you can judge your “thirds” accordingly.

There are several sections of the roof that can be replaced independently of the others, if needed. An insurance claim is in play to address potential storm damage on a section of roof. [11/7/2023]
It would be best to accomplish in place (without lowering). Likely should be done before any roof replacement action. Last painting occurred 20+ years ago.
There are no cameras covering the main building. Only the FLC. This effort could include interior and exterior. This also is important for youth protection. We could look at accomplishing this with some of the gift funds from Janet Scheffler...Tech targetted.
This might include electronic door locks, panic buttons. Formal training for personnel, vehicle barriers, etc.
To sustain the look and longevity of the finish. Last accomplished 20+ years ago.
Concrete block joints sustained damage during oil tank remediation effort. Not critical for structural integrity. We accomplished an engineering assessment to ensure it was not a safety issue.
Improve bathroom accessibility and modernization in main building. This could include repurposing the old video room and Sunday School office.
Modernization needed for the bathrooms on the second floor of the education wing. Perhaps the preschool could partner with the renovation expenses.
Improved accessibility to front areas of the sanctuary. This effort might involve building a ramp to the choir loft. There are a number of space and layout challenges with the various doors, bell tables, communion rails, and the piano.
Modernize lighting throughout main building to high efficiency LED.
Stage lighting in the FLC is barely sufficient. Joe recommends adding an additional array of lights on a truss overhead in front of the stage. Additionally, lighting in the sanctuary needs to be modernized.
Concrete stairs are pulling away from the building. Railing is deteriorating. Previous stair location appearance should be improved. Currently is it painted with a red/brown paint that does not really match anything.
Stairway concrete block walls and railing have deteriorated
Casement windows in both Hall and classrooms require modernization. Exterior hardware is deteriorating. Windows are low efficiency.
Modernization to include ceiling replacement, noise insulation, audio/visual capabilities (not including HVAC)
Lift has been inoperative for years. Upstairs is inaccessible. Access to downstairs requires exit from building.
Ceramic tile near entryway downstairs and at the top of the stairs is deteriorating.
Carpet is showing wear in places.
Walls are showing signs of age. Holes require patching then painting.
Could include brightening area, addition of an information kiosk, improvements to power and heating infrastructure, AV support. Also includes ceiling crack restoration.
Some doors have become harder to open and/or are showing signs of deterioration. Narthex doors insulation/draft reduction material is missing
Swap out to match fountain in FLC
Joint seal will reduce crack weeds that accelerate deterioration. Striping paint in sections has worn away.
Tiles and tile grid showing signs of age, especially in the hallway.
Existing unit is significantly undersized and well beyond its expected service life. It does not support downstairs classroom area. Replacement will also save on utility costs.
There is no HVAC in this part of the building. High humidity/unconditioned air results in high humidity and mold growth.
The exterior door to the furnace room is significantly deteriorating and is very difficult to close/lock. This represents a security risk as well.
Upstairs bathroom is dated.
Bathroom is dated. Lack of insulation under floor and appropriate heating source make the room unusable during cold weather.
Dated unit and has been experiencing intermittent outages. When addressing this issue, reliable network connectivity needs to be considered. That is part of the problem.
Lighting in lower part of the flame is intermittent. Additionally, the red paint has faded and needs to be redone.
Parsonage 1 kitchen counters have buckled and cracked near the stove. It is not readily evident what the cause was.
No signage exists that highlights ownership or contact information
Existing fencing is in bad shape.
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