Author name: Janet Waryck


Thu-Aug 8-Lord Have Mercy!

It is difficult to grant mercy, even though we are given it everyday.
When we think of those who are merciful and pure in heart – we think of the kind of person
who gives others chances over and over again, the person who just knows that other people
are loved by God and should be loved by us too.


Wed-Aug 7-Meek Like Mary

We don’t always think of meekness as a good trait, but God will use it to help us. Happy are the meek. Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. The CEB says
humble, but I have always read this as meek. I have always felt that being meek is not the way
to be.


Tue-Aug 6-Feeling Sad or Hopeless?

We turn to God to give us comfort and hope. Are we feeling hopeless and are we mourning right now? Another translation states “poor in
spirit.” Sometimes we feel that the state of things is rather hopeless and so the only thing to do is mourn what should be.


Mon-Aug 5-Happy People

Jesus tells of the ways to be blessed. Beatitude means blessing, so we should strive to live in a state of blessing or as some
translations put it – happiness. One commentator stated that Jesus is the beatitude of God, and as always, Jesus sets the example for us.


Mon Jul 1-Finding Our Place at the Table

Our scripture talks about how we should all be servants – helping others in whatever we do. Sometimes we are in charge of what’s happening – we are hosting an event, we are leading a meeting, we are the CEO, and people look to us for direction. That doesn’t mean we can’t be helping others as we do this.


Wed Jun 19-Celebrate Freedom

Today is Juneteenth, the day the last enslaved people in the US found out they were free. The date was June 19, 1865, 4 years after the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect and 2 months after the Civil War was officially over…


Fri May 31-Adopted & Sealed

My 7-year-old granddaughter, who is adopted, stayed with us over the weekend. She lives about an hour away, so we had some time in the car to chat. (In the car is a great place to have serious discussions with children…


Thu May 23-What Do I See?

When I was listening to Joe’s sermon on Sunday, I was thinking “I love the crazy tube guy as well!” and of course I have seen 6 or 7 in the past couple of days. They just make me smile! Our Dad lost his right eye in a work accident when I was a child. There are lots of stories about that…

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