Author name: Joe Monahan


Mon Oct 7-Everyone?

Joel 2:25-29 (CEB) I will repay you for the years        that the cutting locust,    the swarming locust, the hopping locust, and the […]


Fri Oct 4-Horses & Donkeys

Zechariah 9:9-10 Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion.        Sing aloud, Daughter Jerusalem.Look, your king will come to you.        He is righteous and victorious.        He is


Wed Oct 2-War No More

Micah 4:1-5 (CEB) But in the days to come,        the mountain of the Lord’s house            will be the highest of the mountains;        it will


Mon Sep 23-Rooted

Jeremiah 17:5-8 (CEB) The Lord proclaims:Cursed are those who trust in mere humans,    who depend on human strength    and turn their hearts from the Lord.They

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