Author name: Kathleen Stolz


Wed 22 Gifts of the Spirit

Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth is one of his first attempts at verbalizing his theology, his understanding of God, and what some 300 years later became known as “Trinitarian theology” (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Gifts of the Spirit is Paul’s attempt at describing the awesome and amazing Lord at work within the community.


Thu Jan 9-Focused Attention

As I began reflecting on this passage, I looked at the background of the Book of Proverbs to clarify its purpose and origins. It is part of the wisdom literature in the Old Testament, and it is believed to have been written over centuries. Imagine the amazing amount of wisdom gathered from the time of King Solomon


Dec 10-The Peaceable Kin-dom

This passage from the prophet known as Isaiah imagines a future that will bring a peace that is almost incomprehensible. Verses 1-5 and 10 focus on the emergence of a leader who is distantly related to King David; one who will bring peace to humankind. Verses 6-9 paints a word picture


Wed Nov 27 That Sounds Like Quite a Celebration

Collect the food and drink you’ll need for a seven-day celebration and then REJOICE! That sounds like quite the party to thank the Lord. And don’t forget to invite all your family, friends, as well as strangers such as immigrants, widows and orphans. If you are like me, you probably have countless memories of Thanksgiving celebrations.


Mon Nov 4- The Here and Now

There are only two questions that really matter on our spiritual journey. The first is: Where am I? The second is: What time is it? There is only one answer to each of these questions: Here and Now. The only time and place one can encounter the
Divine is here and now – not in the past or in the future. We don’t get to know WHEN something is going to happen.


Wed Oct 23-I Swear It’s Not Too Late

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 has always been a universal protest song in my heart. I graduated high school in 1969, at the height of the war in Vietnam, shadowed by the assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr and Bobby Kennedy a year before. As I read the verse for today, I could not


Mon Oct 14-Turn, Turn, Turn

Comparing various versions of verse 3:1 inspired me to think about where this scripture says TIME is located and active: some say “under heaven” or “the heavens”; another says “on the earth”. The International Children’s Bible says simply “there’s a right time for everything. Everything on earth has its special season.”


Wed Oct 2-Love Others Like They Are Family

What did Paul mean when he wrote to the Romans “Love each other like the members of your family.” Loving the members of your immediate family can be a challenge sometimes. The grievances against our brothers or sisters may be traced to sibling rivalry, or they may run much deeper


Fri Sep 20-Encouraging the People

The phrase that jumps out to me immediately as I reflect on “Courage” is “Be Strong!” (vs.2:4). Haggai is the tenth book in the minor prophets and isn’t preached on very often so I’m pleased to look more deeply into it for today’s devotional. Haggai’s prophetic words were given to the Judean community returning from the diaspora


Mon Sep 9-Bon Courage!

Be Brave! Be Strong! Bon Courage!
The setting for this statement is the bank of the river Jordan at the end of the journey for the children of Israel. Moses has led them up to this point but now Joshua will take over as their leader. Tradition and scripture tell us that Moses first said this to the entire entourage


Fri-Aug 23 Compassion with, in, & for the World

As we draw Compassion Camp to a close for this week, I hope you have had a good journey exploring compassion in a more focused way. Compassion is not just about donating money to a cause, or delivering food to a neighbor, or driving a friend to the emergency room, or sitting with a family member as he or she goes through one of life’s challenges,

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