In this sermon series, we are trying to make connections between Jesus and the prophets of the Old Testament. Why is this important? Over the past few years, we’ve done several series where we’ve tried to get new perspectives on Jesus’ teachings (Remember Happy, The Bad Habits of Jesus, and Stuff I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said?). It’s very easy for us to get TOO familiar with Jesus and begin to assume we already know what he’s about. Because very few of us actually have an in-depth understanding of the prophets, looking at Jesus as a prophet might reveal a totally different side of his life and teaching.
September 8th: “Returning to Our First Love” [Mark 12: 28-34] [manuscript]
September 15th: “Caring for the Least” [Luke 16: 19-31] [manuscript]
September 22nd: “The Power of Challenging Authority”
September 29th: “The Power of Symbol“