Baptism is a huge milestone on the journey of faith. For adults, its meaning takes on new dimensions. Adults are baptized in response to what Jesus has already been doing in their lives, and we can talk about forgiveness of sins and entering into a brand new life in a way that don’t make as much sense when we’re thinking about infants and children.

In the UMC, you are always baptized into something. That means baptism for adults always goes hand in hand with joining the church. To start the process, talk with one of the pastors. We’ll help to answer your faith questions and understand what it means to be part of Medford UMC. We can do baptism by any means you prefer – our standard way would be during a regular Sunday worship service, either by sprinkling or pouring water over your head. But there’s nothing that prevents us from baptizing by immersion if you prefer – just ask!