Tue Feb 4-Failure Is Not an Option

Joshua 1:7-9 (CEB)

“Be very brave and strong as you carefully obey all of the Instruction that Moses my servant commanded you. Don’t deviate even a bit from it, either to the right or left. Then you will have success wherever you go. Never stop speaking about this Instruction scroll. Recite it day and night so you can carefully obey everything written in it. Then you will accomplish your objectives and you will succeed. I’ve commanded you to be brave and strong, haven’t I? Don’t be alarmed or terrified, because the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


What would you do if you knew that you couldn’t fail? Change careers? Start a new business? Go back to school? Pursue that relationship that seems impossible? What would YOU do?

Joshua, the successor to Moses, receives this promise from God: follow my instructions, and I will give you success wherever you go.

I’m sure there were many times in Joshua’s life when he compared God’s way with other options, and wondered which he ought to pursue. I’m certain there were days when other paths seemed easier and more logical. I’m sure that there were many times when it looked as though it might be simpler to secure success by the strength of his own hand or by the intelligence of his own mind rather than waiting on God for rescue.

I can imagine him thinking: “God’s offered me success, but to get it this way is too hard.”

We will often try to shortcut the ‘right’ ways to do things. We’ll choose the whatever seems like easy route rather than making the difficult decisions faith in God requires us to make, rather than facing the ridicule of those who have no patience for the ‘right’ way.

It’s true that while we’re waiting on God’s promised outcome, it often feels like we’re hanging on by our fingernails. But a delay doesn’t make the promise any less real. Remember that with God, failure is not an option! God is with you wherever you go and for however long it takes!

By Joe Monahan

For Pondering & Prayer

When have you experienced success only after an extended period of doubt and struggle? Where was God in that experience?

Is there someone you know who needs a bit of encouragement while they’re waiting on God to bless them with success in a job or financial situation? Commit to reach out today.

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