Fri Feb 7-Endless Love

Romans 8:38-39 (CEB)

38 I’m convinced that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ Jesus our Lord: not death or life, not angels or rulers, not present things or future things, not powers 39 or height or depth, or any other thing that is created.


Paul’s letter to the Romans is an introduction of himself and the Good News of Jesus the Christ to the house churches in Rome. The words in our reading are written with conviction by someone who knows who God is, who Jesus is and who he, Paul, is as a child of God. Paul KNOWS, without any doubt, that NOTHING, which “is created,” can separate a child of God from God.

I find incredible comfort in these words. The world around us may seem to be falling apart, but nothing in this world can separate us from God’s love. That bond can never be severed or irreparably broken. Christ provides the promise of Endless Love. We often hear these words spoken when we celebrate the life of a loved one. The grieving family and friends receive assurance that the loved one is at peace with God, at One with God, no matter what they may have done when they walked the earth. We can all transition from this world to the next with the comfort and faith that through Christ we are united with God for all eternity.

By Kathleen Stolz

For Pondering & Prayer

Find an old tree whose roots are deeply entwined with the earth and with other roots, or find moss that has grown on a tree trunk. As you look at these objects in nature, speak the words of this passage, using them as a description for the One who holds you close.

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