6 So live in Christ Jesus the Lord in the same way as you received him. 7 Be rooted and built up in him, be established in faith, and overflow with thanksgiving just as you were taught. 8 See to it that nobody enslaves you with philosophy and foolish deception, which conform to human traditions and the way the world thinks and acts rather than Christ. 9 All the fullness of deity lives in Christ’s body. 10 And you have been filled by him, who is the head of every ruler and authority.
There are many distractions in most of our lives these days but Paul is reminding us that the center of our faith should always be Jesus. For that to happen we need to watch that other things in our lives do not take so much of our time that we lose touch with God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. I can tell you that in my life, quite regularly, I find myself aware of either too much commitment in one area or feel it coming on.
When that happens a scripture like Phillipians 4:6 comes to mind. Don’t be anxious, prayer
( communicating ) with God helps.
I wake up before Laura, go into our living area, open the shades and look out at trees grass, and sky and say good morning Lord, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and then sit down with a devotional, readings and prayer. If my day does not start that way, I often feel unsettled.
Sharing with someone else is important. Laura will say to me, not rarely, “I have had enough of that.) It might be too much news, being overloaded in other ways, but it helps to share those sensations and be of a common mind.
Like mighty trees, we, as believers need to remain rooted in Jesus, both in knowledge and in practice. This produces growth and protects us from being easily deceived when confronted with deceptions.
by Clarence Beverage
For Pondering and Prayer
How are you doing?
Are you thinking of a specific thing to do today that will change your day for the better?
Prayer: Awesome God, we offer thanks for you, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Through you is the power to make our world a better place when we seek you. We know you are at work in this world. Help us to see and feel your presence. We pray this in Jesus name. Amen.