Fri-Jul 26-The Joy of Travel

Romans 15:23-24 (CEB)

23 But now, since I don’t have any place to work in these regions anymore, and since I’ve wanted to come to see you for many years, 24 I’ll visit you when I go to Spain. I hope to see you while I’m passing through. And I hope you will send me on my way there, after I have first been reenergized by some time in your company.


Paul was a great letter writer. He used his communications to teach and guide his fledgling churches as they wrestled with the challenges they faced. He wrote letters that included inviting himself to come for a visit in his travels. His letters were requests for money to fund his travels as well as to support his many churches. And his letters, like this one, often served
as a letter of introduction. As we read these few verses near the end of Romans Paul is also letting its recipients know that he is exhausted and will need some pampering to “reenergize” him. Can you imagine what his communications would have looked like if he had email? There are so many ways in which we communicate in the 21 st century. And yet some of us, perhaps NONE of us, are as skilled at communicating as the apostle Paul. I confess that I have been accused of not being very good at keeping up with friends through the years and over the miles. I am incredibly thankful for all those people I have met through the years who reach out to me occasionally. Trips down memory lane are always appreciated.

As I think about Apostle Paul writing letters that invite himself (and his traveling companions) to visit and to stay awhile I am reminded of my husband’s many memories of taking trips when he was young to visit relatives in various parts of the country. Some people seem to make travel plans that include relatives or friends a regular occurrence and plan vacations accordingly. During our marriage of almost 51 years, the visits we have made to relatives or friends can probably be counted on one hand. We have been much more likely to travel places for relaxing/refreshing vacations, for adventures exploring the world, and for business. As I think about Paul’s letter writing and his travels, I realize that it was all “business” for him because he was being guided by the Holy Spirit each step of the way. I am thankful for all the travel I have experienced through the years, and as I reflect on it now, I realize it has probably all been guided by the Spirit in some way.

by Kathleen Stolz

For Pondering and Prayer

I invited myself and my husband to visit our older son and his wife in a few months, and I asked to visit with my cousin and his wife while we are there. I guess I am getting better at communicating.
How about you?
How are you at communicating?
Do you have any travel plans in the future or have you recently returned
from some special adventure?

Prayer: Bountiful God, we give thanks for the many opportunities we have that call us to follow your spirit as we explore your world. Sometimes we travel through pictures, books, music, food, or other methods of experiencing your amazing, diverse creation. Other times we physically travel and follow your guidance. We pray that our journey may be smooth and nourishing to
our souls. A

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