Fri May 7-Leaning In

Hebrews 4:12-13 (CEB)

12 Because God’s word is living, active, and sharper than any two-edged sword. It penetrates to the point that it separates the soul from the spirit and the joints from the marrow. It’s able to judge the heart’s thoughts and intentions. 13 No creature is hidden from it, but rather everything is naked and exposed to the eyes of the one to whom we have to give an answer.


As I ponder today’s scripture, I go out for my morning workout in a gentle rain. Among the dewdrops, I think of God’s word being alive and active. I think about nature, and wonder: is God among each raindrop?

I think of the earth below my feet, of the birds and trees responding to the sway of a rain-soaked breeze. I think of the idea that “no creature is hidden.” The birds may be hiding in their nests, while the trees and plants are turning toward the Source that is God, soaking up life-giving nutrients. I think of God and God’s truth within the minute parts and particles of each life.

I am not necessarily prone to metaphysical calculations nor to particle physics, but I think of God coming from and within nature– the very Source that knows each and every part of it. I imagine that God’s word is heard not only all around us, but from within each of us. God’s word is living, and actively residing within our very cells, already knowing us and all that surrounds and completes us.

Initially, the thought feels revealing, and I understand the thinking of Adam and Eve who felt the need to hide themselves away from God in sin. Perhaps the nature of human beings is to be embarrassed when feeling revealed within a sinful world. But as I slow my thinking, I remember that God’s way of knowing means that we were, and are, never truly alone. Perhaps we need not hide ourselves away, but instead, learn to lean into God’s living words and ways.

If our God was/is already here, why should we fear this intimate connection? Why shouldn’t we listen to the active source of ageless wisdom, coming from, around and within each part of us? Our God is our Source of living truth that knows our thoughts and our intentions. When we are living for this truth, we are living in and for God.

By Barbara Carlson

For Pondering & Prayer

If God is living in, and even a part of our beings and in all of creation, why do we feel the need to separate ourselves? Can we instead learn to lean into God’s living words and to God’s way of knowing? How can you lean into God’s living word and ways for today?

Prayer: Creator God, you formed us out of dust and the very particles of life in your image. Your word is living and active within each of us and throughout the earth. We want so much to lean into your truth, but we are afraid to be revealed. Today and always, guide us gently into your truth. Help us to know your living words and ways and to hear your active voice, coming from around and within us. Amen. 

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