Fri Oct 18-A Secret Plan?

This week, we’ll be reading from Colossians. Click the scripture link to read the full chapter (Colossians is only 4 chapters long).

Colossians 4:2-6 (CEB)

Keep on praying and guard your prayers with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray for us also. Pray that God would open a door for the word so we can preach the secret plan of Christ—which is why I’m in chains. Pray that I might be able to make it as clear as I ought to when I preach. Act wisely toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. Your speech should always be gracious and sprinkled with insight so that you may know how to respond to every person.


What’s Jesus’ secret plan? I must have missed a meeting at the clubhouse!

It’s fascinating to read the scriptures in a translation that’s new to you. Other versions typically translate Colossians 4:2 as “the mystery” of Christ. But “secret plan” sounded new enough that it struck me as odd.

We sometimes forget or take for granted how difficult it was for the early church to figure out exactly what God was doing in Jesus – what his life, death and resurrection meant for the world. We have 2000 years of reflection and theological argument behind us. We start our search for understanding miles ahead of those early disciples.

It’s a mystery, yes – why God would go to all this trouble for us – but it is hardly a secret. Jesus himself said, “I have spoken openly to the world” (John 18:20). Hint, hint: it’s because God LOVES us.

Still, there’s some truth here. A story as amazing and life-changing as the gospel of Jesus Christ requires an investment from us. It requires careful investigation, like anything else worth understanding. Faith in Jesus Christ is both a gift and a lifelong process of searching out the “secret plan” he has for us and for the world.

For Pondering & Prayer

What is one question you have about faith? Sometimes, the start of an answer is as simple as Googling: “scriptures about ____.” Give it a try!

Who else do you know that’s on a faith journey right now? Can you get together with them for mutual support, encouragement & prayer?

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