14 The love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: one died for the sake of all; therefore, all died. 15 He died for the sake of all so that those who are alive should live not for themselves but for the one who died for them and was raised.
16 So then, from this point on we won’t recognize people by human standards. Even though we used to know Christ by human standards, that isn’t how we know him now. 17 So then, if anyone is in Christ, that person is part of the new creation. The old things have gone away, and look, new things have arrived!
When we commit our life to another as a life partner or parent, our lives change and we MUST change, too. It’s great fun to be a bride or groom, or an expectant parent, but when all the celebrating is over, we are faced with the realization that we are called to love the other person so much that our own life no longer matters. Most of us don’t get there immediately; we grow into that kind of love. That’s true of loving anyone, including Jesus the Christ. When we commit our lives to Jesus we may not know that we’re expected to love him as he loves us. The journey of growing into selfless love isn’t always easy, but you’ll surely be transformed by that love!
By Kathleen Stolz
For Pondering & Prayer
In what ways have you grown in the past year? Congratulations!
How have you become more selfless toward those you love? Celebrate!
In what way(s) will you continue your journey of growing into selfless love this year?
Prayer: Loving Lord, in your selfless love you have given everything for us. That kind of love seems impossible to us, and yet you expect it of us. Your holy Creation cries out for us to love it more than we love ourselves. Help us to grow in our love for you, for one another and all Creation through acts of selfless love. Amen.