Mon Feb 20-God is Holy!

Psalm 99:1-5 (CEB)

The Lord rules—
    the nations shake!
    He sits enthroned on the winged heavenly creatures—
    the earth quakes!
The Lord is great in Zion;
    he is exalted over all the nations.
Let them thank your great and awesome name.
    He is holy!

Strong king who loves justice,
    you are the one who established what is fair.
    You worked justice and righteousness in Jacob.
Magnify the Lord, our God!
    Bow low at his footstool!
    He is holy!


This psalm, or song, declares God is holy, and celebrates God as King over the nations. They shake and bow before Holy God, who rules in righteousness and with justice. Holy God is faithful and worthy of our worship and praise.

How can we explain the holiness of God? Holiness can’t be separated from God as a single attribute, it is the very character of God. God is unique, unparalleled, eternal and has no equal. There is no one like God. God is sovereign and God’s might and infinite power emanate from God’s holiness, and because God is holy, all bow down at God’s feet. God is wisdom and exercises righteousness, justice and fairness. God is truth and purity. God loves goodness and no falsehood or sin can stand before God’s presence unredeemed.

And yet, Holy God is loving and merciful, forgiving and always extending grace and redemption to all God’s creation. God’s holiness is transformational. Holy God took on flesh and came to live among us, as our Savior Jesus, full of light and grace and truth. Because God is holy and loves us, God calls us into relationship through Jesus to be transformed into new creations. We are filled with the Spirit, to grow in loving God and others, so that the light of Christ shines through us into the world.

by Jeneene Reduker

For Pondering & Prayer

We may say, ‘God is holy’ as a well know fact, but it’s awe inspiring to put yourself in God’s holy presence and be overwhelmed by God’s love. Every day is an opportunity to be transformed by God’s love. John Wesley, founder of Methodism, believed as disciples of Jesus we are on a journey to pursue “holiness of heart and life.” This isn’t something we do only on our own, it is God’s sanctifying grace at work in us. This is how we grow holy in heart and life, by living out our faith as we serve God and others.

What does the phrase “God is holy!” mean in your life? How are you pursuing “holiness of heart and life?”

Prayer: Holy God, you are holy and you offer your love through Jesus to redeem us and to be in relationship with us. By your Spirit, create in us holiness of heart and life so that the world will see your love and that we will all declare together, God is holy! Amen.

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