Mon Jan 17-Which Way Are You Going?

John 14:6 (CEB)

Jesus answered, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


Get ready, time’s up! Jesus has been having the hard, honest conversation with his disciples, the one where he tells his disciples he’s going to die. Understandably it’s not going well. The disciples expect Jesus will fulfill their wishes, as the promised Messiah, and will overthrow the Herodian government, drive out the Roman occupation and replace the Sanhedrin, ushering in a new era. What Jesus is trying to tell the disciples is that it’s about the transformation of the world, but they’re confused and in denial. They don’t understand. Jesus tells them he is leaving, so Thomas asks, (in verse five,) “Lord, we don’t know where you are going. How can we know the way?

“I am the way,” Jesus explains to them, you already know the way, it’s me! “Follow me” This is our call to discipleship. It’s a call to be humble and to have courage, to have the courage to tell the story about God’s love for us and Jesus’s death on the cross for the redemption of our sins. It’s a story that everyone needs to hear: You are loved, you are redeemed, follow me and go tell the world.

There are many ways to live our lives, but it takes courage to follow the Way, to follow Jesus. It takes courage, to be vulnerable enough, to be totally honest about sharing what Jesus has done for us in our own lives. As disciples, it’s not always easy and we may often struggle in following Jesus. Yet, being open about our faith journey with those who may not know Jesus, creates connection, and an opportunity for others to see God’s transforming grace in our lives, and already at work in their own lives.

By Jeneene Reduker

For Pondering & Prayer

Jesus spoke the truth to his disciples, no matter how hard it was for them to hear it. It took courage, rooted in God’s love, for Jesus to proclaim the Kin(g)-dom of God to a world who rejected him. Jesus is our Way, our truth, and our life, and this gives us the courage to share God’s love with others.

Which way are you going? Are you following the Way, Jesus, as a faith-filled disciple? Are you able to share the story of God’s love with others and share what God has done in your own life? It takes courage to be vulnerable and possibly to be rejected, but by being open and honest, we can share the the love of God with others.

Prayer: Jesus, our Savior, you are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Give us courage to be open and honest so we can share the love of God with others. Amen.

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