Mon Nov 15-New Life

Romans 6:4 (CEB)

Therefore, we were buried together with him through baptism into his death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too can walk in newness of life.


Do you remember your baptism? Maybe you were a baby or a child and your parents made the profession of faith on your behalf. Maybe you were baptized when you were confirmed or became a member of the church. Your baptism and confession of faith was the outward sign of your new life in Christ, as a child of God. New life in Christ begins our life long journey of loving and serving God and others. But sometimes life derails us and we forget we are children of God.

There’s been too much change! We’ve all been trying to reorient our turned upside down lives. Since the pandemic, we have been wandering in the wilderness of “not-gathering,” trying to find our way back to our “old lives.” That is just not possible; and even if we could, given all the changes that have occurred, I’m pretty sure that there were aspects of “life before COVID” we’re happy to leave behind. We then tried living in the “new normal,“ but we found the “hybrid life” equally unfulfilling, even as we tried to make the best of our situation. Now we’re all trying to figure out what to do next.

So what can our lives be like going forward? Remember, God is the loving constant in all our change. As children of God we’re called to live out our new life in Christ. The mission is still the same, “Go Make Disciples.” This is the life we are meant to live, a grace filled life over flowing with God’s love. This is the abundant life Jesus wants us to live. We have been raised from death through Christ’s resurrection to new life, our old sinful life was washed away and we are made new. Regardless of what’s happening in the world, the example of Jesus as the loving servant reminds us we are here to love, to share the good news, to feed the hungry, care for the sick, the poor, the children and to work for justice and peace.

By Jeneene Reduker

For Pondering & Prayer

Are you struggling with discouragement because life seems so upside down? Do you feel like you need a new life? Remember your baptism! Of course we all get discouraged, but be encouraged! We are equipped by the Holy Spirit at work within us, to live this new life in Christ that’s available to us every moment of every day. As we trust God and grow in faith through prayer and gathering together as the body of Christ, we become more aware of the infinite love God has for us and the amazing grace poured out on us. We are humbled and grateful for this new life in Christ.

Prayer: Holy and Loving God, you are the loving constant in all of our change. We thank you for our new life in Christ. Help us each day, to follow the example of Jesus, to live a life of loving service. Amen.

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