Mon Oct 4-Growth, As a Kid

This week, we welcome guest writer Brian Harriett, a lifelong member of Medford UMC, to share his reflections in a series called “Somewhere Down the Road,” about a disciple’s growth through the cycle of life.

Mark 10:13-14 (CEB)

13 People were bringing children to Jesus so that he would bless them. But the disciples scolded them. 14 When Jesus saw this, he grew angry and said to them, “Allow the children to come to me. Don’t forbid them, because God’s kingdom belongs to people like these children.


I smile when I remember all the things we did,
The worlds we discovered when I was a kid,
Sitting on your shoulders I was riding high,
All of life before me - I could see for miles,
You gave me a life to love,
Showed me the dreams I was dreaming of.  
Told me love was enough.
- Hard Times, Amy Grant, 2009

Raising kids is not an easy task these days, especially with all the many challenges this 2020-21 have left us – doing our best to keep the “back to normal” routine.  In my case, being physically separated from three of my four daughters caused me to pray harder for their health, think of the past when I nursed them at home, and cry out to the Lord for their safe delivery.

Believing in the life God (who IS love) has for us, our teachings to the children should be “don’t look back for the bad that has passed, look forward to God’s dreams for you”! 

By Brian Harriett

For Pondering & Prayer

Do we want our families to move backwards, be stuck in the present, or to move forward in God’s love and truth? 

Prayer: Whenever my child speaks to me, I have a choice. Lord, help me to speak truth out of YOUR love without being judgmental of their truth.  Thank you, Lord, for keeping me in your perfect peace. Amen.

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