Fri April 19-Jesus, Take the Wheel
Trusting in our Lord is letting go of that fear or worry that keeps our faith at a distance.
Trusting in our Lord is letting go of that fear or worry that keeps our faith at a distance.
What will it take to really get her to trust me?
The need continues to be great and the region’s blood supply has is always tight. The need for continued donations is urgent. The MUMC will be hosting once again a Red Cross Blood Drive on Thursday, May 9th from 2:00pm to 7:00pm.
It is important that all prospective donors not only know what we are doing to protect everyone, but also what they must do. Please visit our Detailed Information Page for specifics on precautions. We also encourage all donors to review the standard eligibility guidelines via the links below.
We will update our pages as we get closer and as precaution requirements evolve. Thank you!! Remember, the need never ends. Hope to see you there to give the gift of life!
To get information about giving blood, visit the American Red Cross website or contact Danielle Adams at 609-351-3949. Online, use the sponsor code “Medford UMC” to find us.
March Madness is back as the Easter Food Drive returns to Medford UMC! Show support for your favorite team by donating toiletry items, food and/or ACME Gift cards for $15 (please, no larger amounts!). Please see the Flyer linked HERE for a list of food items and our drop off dates and times. Also, you can make a monetary donation by mailing a check to the church office or through PushPay by clicking “Give” at the top of the website. Be sure to select “Easter Food Drive” from the fund menu. Stay tuned to the 9:00 and 10:30 Services on Facebook Live for updates from the Easter Food Drive Network!
Please join us on Sunday, February 4, 2024 at Medford UMC. We will honor Barb for her 35+ years of dedicated service directing our many Handbell Choirs. We don’t want to give away all the details so Barb can be at least a bit surprised. Click here to sign-up if you can attend. Please make sure you list how many people will attend and if you have special food requirements (i.e. gluten free). This will help us make sure we have enough food for dinner.
To make a donation towards a gift for Barb you can visit, use our app, or send a check to the church office. We are looking forward to a special afternoon/evening honoring Barbara Frame.
Operation Santa is run by the Medford Police Department, and gives us the opportunity to support children in need right in our local community. We were given 15 giving opportunities. When you see this notice some of the gifts may have been taken but, if you are interested, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and we will send back the flyer with current availabilities. There is also an opportunity to help with gift wrapping at the Medford Police Station on December 8. If you would be interested in joining a team from our church to help prepare for this event, please email us as well.
Iglesia Metodista Unida Wesley/Wesley UMC is a vibrant Hispanic church in Trenton led by Pastor Rosemary Rentas and a very involved and dedicated laity volunteers. This is our 13th year partnering with Wesley and it is a great pleasure to watch this ministry grow in their new church home on Liberty Street in Trenton. This year MUMC will provide 75 gifts for Wesley to distribute to children and youth in the surrounding community.
The Maker’s Place is a faith-based non-profit organization dedicated to the city of Trenton. We are affiliated with A Future with Hope, and are members of the National Diaper Bank Network. We serve and partner with people of all faiths and none. Launched in July 2018 our vision is broad: to become a resource center that connects neighbors with neighbors in diverse and inclusive community, by responding to the gifts and aspirations of people living in poverty. Originally intended to collect 10,000 diapers for a community birthday party for one year-olds, the Maker’s Place collected 100,000 diapers during our first collection drive. With so many diapers left over, we launched what is now our flagship initiative: our “Diaper Depot,” a diaper distribution program that gives away thousands of free diapers each month to families who struggle to provide enough diapers for their children. We partner with Children’s Futures, a Trenton nonprofit, to provide free baby formula. Through our work we come in contact with hundreds of families and it is from these relationships that we will identify 50 children and young people whom you at MUMC will be able to brighten lives with your gifts.
If you have a Facebook account and would like to participate in the worship interaction, CLICK HERE to be taken to our Facebook page where you can join the live video. We start the live stream approximately 15 minutes prior to the start of worship to give time for people to join and get settled.
If you don’t use Facebook and simply want to view it through our web page, CLICK HERE on Sunday to be taken to our embedded stream page.
LOOKING TO IMPROVE YOUR OVERALL HEALTH?: Please join the Healthy Living Group beginning Monday, September 19 as we begin reading the #1 New York Times Bestseller, Life Force, by Tony Robbins. Learn about the newest breakthroughs in health technology to help maximize your energy and strength, prevent disease and extend your health span. Each chapter is independent of the others, so please join us whenever you are able (topics to be announced in the bulletin). Our group meets from 5:30-7:00 pm on the first and third Mondays of every month in the Family Life Center. For more information, please contact Bruce and Ann Braytenbah at [email protected] or call the church office 609/654-8111.
Jesus, throughout his ministry, modeled courage: courage to challenge religious authority, courage to reach out in compassion to those others rejected, courage to speak the truth not only to power but also to those he loved, and courage to act on his convictions, even at the greatest great personal cost. How can we learn to be that courageous? In this four-week series, we’ll look at Jesus’ life of courage and the ingredients of courage in our own lives: conviction, candor, fortitude, and love. Come join us!
Pasta Dinner: Pack 26 of the Scouts wants to feed you pasta on April 24! Details and tickets are available for their take-away dinner by clicking here. During the check-out process, please be sure to indicate that you are supporting Pack 26.
Please drop off your frozen turkeys and $25 gift cards (Acme or Shoprite) in the church parking lot This Sunday, November 22nd from 11:30am -1:30pm. We will have volunteers there to help! Thank you for your support of the Neighborhood Center in Camden!
Each year between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, the members of Medford UMC gather and donate hundreds of diapers to be donated to the Christian Caring Center to share with families in need. We are, of course, collecting again this year! But, to keep us all appropriately safe and at home, we are only accepting monetary donations. You may give through the MUMC app or webpage using our PushPay system (select “Diaper Drive” as the fund) or by mailing a check directly to the church at 2 Hartford Rd, Medford NJ 08055 (please note “diaper drive” on the memo line).
Both of your pastors want to connect with you. We are offering weekly “Zoom Check-in” times for informal conversation, devotions, and prayer. Joe will set aside time on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. Kathleen will be gathering folks on Wednesdays at noon. Are you interested? Watch our Facebook page for information or use the following links to connect. If you’d like to get an email invitation, email Kathleen or Joe. Click here to join Joe on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. Click here to join Kathleen on Wednesdays at noon.
Joseph Monahan is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Pastor’s Check-In (Kathleen)
Time: Apr 1, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Wed, 8 occurrence(s)
Apr 1, 2020 12:00 PM
Apr 8, 2020 12:00 PM
Apr 15, 2020 12:00 PM
Apr 22, 2020 12:00 PM
Apr 29, 2020 12:00 PM
May 6, 2020 12:00 PM
May 13, 2020 12:00 PM
May 20, 2020 12:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 535 915 365
Password: 446141
MONDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY: Michelle Critelli and Cyndy Riley are facilitating a Co-Ed Bible Study on Monday evenings, beginning April 13. The small group will explore the Gospel of John, and participants will be expected to purchase a participant’s guide to use as they read through a few chapters of John each week.
LORD’S PRAYER STUDY: Pastor Kathleen is facilitating a study of the Lord’s Prayer to correspond to the Lenten Sermon Series. Please purchase the book The Lord’s Prayer for Today by William J. Carl III, prior to the first class in print or eBook from your favorite book seller.
Join us on February 26 as we mark the start of Lent with worship and ashes:
Adopt-A-Box is an annual IHOC program. The purpose of Adopt-A-Box is to collect and distribute basic personal care items to men, women and children who are currently staying in shelters or using day centers. Like Pack-A-Sack, Adopt-A-Box is easy to participate in and is a great way to help those in need. All you need to do is take a shoe box and fill it with basic items such as: toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, baby shampoo, deodorant, underwear, shaving cream, hand lotions, razors, wash clothes, and socks. Once you have filled your shoebox or shoeboxes, mark each one “Man”, “Woman”, or “Child” based on the items you placed in it.
The MUMC youth are off to a very successful start in making “Adopt-a-Boxes” for the Interfaith Homeless Outreach Council. We have 32 completed boxes, 31 that are only missing 1 or 2 items, and enough supplies to make many more with just a few items. Our goal is 100 boxes. Our biggest needs are: empty shoeboxes, shaving cream, shampoo, and underwear. Items can be dropped off in the Narthex. We will be finishing the boxes on February 23. We have set up a Signup Genius, if you would like to let us know what you have to donate.
What to know more about IHOC? CLICK HERE
Together we can turn the nation’s largest weekend of football into the largest weekend of giving. Youth group members will be collecting monetary donations at each service this Sunday and will then send the donation to the Turning Point United Methodist Food Pantry in Trenton. Your generosity will be very much appreciated. The link below will take you to our PushPay system. You can select “Give One Time” then use the Fund Selector to choose “Souper Bowl of Caring.”
The MUMC Book Club has chosen Faith Unraveled for our first selection of 2020. Christian author Rachel Held Evans shares her spiritual journey. As she challenges fundamentalism, her faith moves from certainty to doubt to trust in a God who is big enough to handle the tough questions. We will meet on Wednesday, January 15 at 7:00 pm to discuss. Looking ahead to February, our next selection is This Tender Land by award-winning novelist William Kent Krueger. Mark your calendar for Wednesday, February 19 at 7:00 pm. Our discussion group is always welcoming, so check out these books and join us! Any questions please contact Patty Rosvold, [email protected] or the church office.
Live Nativity at the Dickens Festival: Please join us on Sat. Dec. 7 in bringing the story of Christmas to the Medford community! We need people to be angels and shepherds (anyone in 4th grade or older), Wise People (adults or older/taller teens), Mary and Joseph. We need people to set up the lights and sound equipment and then more people to break it down at the end of the night. We need a hot chocolate/hot cider crew. We need people to bake cookies the week before the festival. We need singers, hospitality people, animal wranglers and costume crew that night. There is, without a doubt, a spot for you to volunteer! Get details and sign up at Contact Pastor Kathleen with questions.
MUMC Book Club News: This month’s selection is As Bright as Heaven by Susan Meissner. It is a compelling story of a mother and her daughters who find themselves in a harsh world, not of their making, which will either crush their resolve to survive or purify it. Join us on November 13!
We are always welcoming new readers so bring a friend and join us! Any questions please contact the church office or Patty Rosvold at [email protected] and follow us on Facebook at Medford UMC Book Club.
Trunk or Treat
Medford United Methodist Church
is hosting Our 7th Annual
Trunk or Treat
October 20
4:00-5:30 PM
Join us for an evening of safe Trick or Treating and Yummy S’Mores! Sign up sheets outside the Sanctuary!
How can I participate?
With the program year about to start, registration is open! Go to our REGISTRTATION LINK and register each child. Even if you have done this previously, please enter your child’s information to insure that our database is up-to-date. Any questions, please contact the church office.
When: Sunday, Sept 8th
Where: Medford UMC
Time: 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Everyone is Invited! Bring a side dish or dessert to share. Please sign up in the FLC lobby, Outside the Sanctuary, or the church office so we know how many are coming.
MEDFORD ROCKS AGAIN, AUGUST 30 FROM 7:00 TO 10:00 PM….a few months ago, we had a great time hosting this open mic & music event for middle and high school youth. Soon we’ll welcome back to the stage Emmie & Brie, Imbroglio and open mic performers. A $5 door donation will benefit Broadway Bound Players of Medford. Join us for food, music, games and fun! If you would like to perform, please email [email protected]. If you can volunteer to help set up and chaperone the event, please contact Pastor Joe ([email protected]). See you there!
Clean out your treasures and get ready for our annual Flea Market. Time: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm (rain or shine). Registration forms for parking lot spaces are in the August and September Messengers, in the entryways or the church office. Spaces are just $15 by Sept. 16th! ($20 Sept. 17th or later.) Contact Ginger Harriett at 609/238-1803 if you have questions. All proceeds will go to local mission projects.
DOWNLOAD THE MUMC APP! We have launched our brand-new MUMC app (for both Apple and Android)! This new tool will bring together all things MUMC in one convenient place. Miss a sermon? Catch up with the video or audio from last week’s message. Read the latest news, announcements and events. Manage your recurring giving. And in time, we’ll be bringing you small group resources and devotional guides. We’re excited about all this new tool has to offer. Download and install it today – text “medfordapp” to 77977 to go directly to the download page, or search your app store for “Medford UMC.” And send us your feedback – you can do that right from the app!
SCHOOL SUPPLIES COLLECTION: School supplies are important — and they aren’t cheap. Their cost has gone up 88% in the past decade. Want to help local students? We are asking for the church’s help with the following donations:
Child-sized backpacks – preferably non-gender specific!
Pencils – non-mechanical, boxes of 12
Loose-leaf notebook paper (100-150 page packets)
Binders – 1 inch, hardcover
Folders – 3-hole punched
Crayons – 24 count boxes
Markers – 10-12 count boxes, washable
Erasers – pink, rectangular (not pencil cap!)
Yellow highlighters
Glue sticks
A team of youth will be sorting the supplies and packing the backpacks. To make this easier, please put all supplies in a plastic shopping bag inside the back pack and only donate items from this list. If you are only donating supplies, that’s great too! Supplies and backpacks can be dropped off outside the sanctuary or in the FLC Lobby. Please make sure all donations are at the church by Wednesday, August 21st. Donations will be distributed to the children by the Neighborhood Center in Camden, the Christian Caring Center and Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHOC). Please join us in supporting these children! Please contact Chris Carl, [email protected], 856/404-1706 with any questions.
The MUMC Book Club is participating in the Greater Philadelphia Walk to Defeat ALS on October 26, 2019 at Citizens Bank Park in honor of our friends Glenna Bishop and Diane O’Brien and we need you on our team!!
Every 90 minutes someone is diagnosed with ALS — it robs a person of the ability to walk, speak, eat, and eventually breathe. And what’s even worse is that right now, there’s no cure. You can help by walking with us, donating to us or praying for us!
Will you join us and join the movement to cure ALS? It’s easy to register or donate online at If you have any questions, please contact Patty Rosvold at [email protected]
PS – If you can’t make it on October 26, 2019 – please consider making a donation towards our goal of $1,000
REPRESENT MEDFORD UMC AT NATIONAL NIGHT OUT IN FREEDOM PARK ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 6: This year we will be publicizing our TRUNK or TREAT and giving away candy. We are looking for one or two cars to be decorated with a HALLOWEEN TRUNK. The Witness Committee will supply the candy. Join Pastor Kathleen for this fun event to let the community know about the ministries of MUMC. Contact Kathleen or the church office for more information.
Sunday, July 14th is Pastor Appreciation Day, a time when we show our appreciation to Pastor Kathleen and Pastor Joe for their dedication and service to us and hear a word from them. This year the Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC), in coordination with the pastors, is planning something extra special. The celebration will be part of the 10:30 service, held in the FLC (traditional service will be held at 9:00 in the sanctuary for this Sunday only), where we will be seated at tables. We will participate in a special 45 minute worship service followed by celebration and then a time to enjoy a light lunch and socialize together. We hope you and your family will plan to be a part of this joyful event.
On Sunday April 28th, we begin a new series based on the book of Exodus. It’s called “Not All Who Wander Are Lost.”
The Exodus is one of the key moments in the history of God’s people. It’s referred to over and over again throughout the Bible. It’s a moment where people redefined who they were: no longer slaves, but free people walking with their God – the one true God, the Creator of heaven and earth.
Sounds beautiful, right? A story of faith in God’s power, God’s guidance and God’s provision.
If you thought that, you’d be wrong. Reality is a lot more complicated. Leaders are a lot more timid. People are a lot less faithful. And yet, God works through it all. It’s a good message for unsettled times. God’s faithfulness overcomes our unfaithfulness. Every. Single. Time.
So We hope you’ll join us for worship starting Sunday, and in reading Exodus over the next few weeks – from now through June 2nd.
PEDAL for PROMISE – SATURDAY, MAY 11, 2019: Medford United Methodist is fielding a team for the Urban Promise fundraiser “Pedal for Promise.” This year the ride begins and ends at Valenzano Winery in Shamong. You can register to ride, make a donation to the team or register as a spectator to enjoy the party and cheer on our team.
Go to for more information about the event, to donate, or to register as an individual. OR you can go directly to the TEAM MEDFORD UMC page at
Questions or need help? Speak with Pastor Kathleen, Wayne Richards, or Heidi and Mike Polhemus
7:30 pm Communion Service – Sanctuary
12:00 noon – 1:00 pm Ecumenical Service
7:30 pm Good Friday Worship Service
EASTER April 21
6:30 am Sonrise Service with Communion
Breakfast in Bowker Hall
9:30 Contemporary Worship in FLC
8:15 and 11:00 am Traditional Worship in Sanctuary
Acme Gift Cards In the amount of $15. No cash or checks .
Boxed Milk, Brownie or Cake Mixes, Macaroni and Cheese, Instant Potatoes, Rice or Pasta, Low Sugar Cereal, Fruit Juice Boxes, Flour, Nutrition/Granola Bars.
Canned Fruit, Canned Vegetables & Beans, Canned Meat, Soups/Stews/Chili, Pasta Sauce, Spaghetti-O’s & Ravioli
Peanut Butter/Jelly, Vegetable Oil, Gravy, Liquid Dish Soap
Disposable Razors, Shampoo, Conditioner, Sanitary Napkins, Poise Pads, Toilet Paper , Baby Wipes, Travel Size Lotion, Laundry Detergent Pods*, (*We are collecting ONLY single – use laundry pods.)
Cyclone Idai made landfall near Beira, the fourth-largest city in Mozambique, on March 14. Over the next week, Idai left a path of destruction in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. United Methodists are starting to respond to those affected by Cyclone Idai, which left devastation in parts of three African countries and killed 500 people, with hundreds more still missing.
The United Methodist Committee on Relief has allocated three $10,000 grants for immediate, emergency short-term funding to meet basic human needs in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi. Those needs include water transportation and storage for drinking, cooking and personal and domestic hygiene, along with temporary shelter.
How to help:
Give to the work of UMCOR by texting UMCOR to 91999.
To make a donation to UMCOR’s International Disaster Response, use Advance #982450.
OUR LENTEN FOCUS: DISCIPLESHIP: Traditionally the Church has invited Christians to “give something up for Lent.” This year, your pastors at Medford UMC are inviting you to “take something on for Lent.” As we journey through Lent together this year you are encouraged to dive deeper into the weekly sermons by engaging with a curriculum that will guide you on a Disciple’s Path. The weekly sessions will run for six weeks during Lent beginning the week of Ash Wednesday and will coordinate with the weekly sermons. The topics are based on the UMC membership covenant “faithfully to participate in the ministries of the church by our Prayers, Presence, Gifts, Service, and Witness.” Please contact the Church Office, by email or phone, to let us know which group you’ll be joining. This is a great way to grow deeper in your own discipleship as you become better acquainted with other MUMC folks on their own journey with Christ.
“WE’RE ALL IRISH ON ST. PATRICK’S DAY”: Please join us for our annual Irish evening of music, treats, and fun fellowship on Monday, March 11 at 7:00 pm in Bowker Hall. We’ll have familiar Irish songs planned by Carol Reilly. It is always a fun evening. Wear your best Irish green and be ready to laugh and enjoy a great program. You probably will leave humming “When Irish Eyes are Smiling.” If you have any questions, please contact Carol Reilly, 609/953-3805 or Chris Welch, 856/751-5836. All MUMC ladies are always welcome – please join us!
Saturday, March 9, 2019
11:30 a.m. Silent Auction Bidding
12:15 p.m. Lunch & Program
Come join us for lunch at our “Annual Hearts for Mission” Silent Auction / Soup and Salad Bar luncheon ”Mardi Gras” style in Bowker Hall! Auction proceeds goes to support mission work. You can also make a pledge to the UMW at this time. Auction item donations may be brought to the church office starting Thursday, March 7th. What to donate? How about Mardi Gras inspired items or traditional “heart-themed” items. Questions? Please contact Ginger Harriett at [email protected]
Program Speaker: Rev. Michael Reed
Contest: Prizes for Best Mardi Gras masks!
ASH WEDNESDAY – MARCH 6: Join us as we mark the start of Lent with worship and ashes on Ash Wednesday:
7:00-9:30 am – prayers, ashes & coffee in the narthex – drop in Any time
12:00 noon – a brief (30 min) service of scripture, prayer and ashes in the Sanctuary
7:30 pm – a service of ashes & Holy Communion in the sanctuary; Faith Presbyterian Church will be joining us for this service.
You are free to worship without receiving ashes, get them on your hand instead of your forehead, or go home and wash your face. They represent an outward sign of our inward heart. If you’ve not attended Ash Wednesday worship before, come experience it this year!
All of us want better relationships: in our families, with our friends, at work. Often we just don’t know how to get there. But there are some simple things we can do to foster healthy relationships: by getting our anxiety under control, practicing empathy, honoring boundaries, improving communication, and building trust. Join us on Sundays at 8:15, 9:30 & 11:00 as we look to the scriptures for wisdom on building healthy relationships
IHOC-INTERFAITH HOMELESS OUTREACH COUNCIL is collecting shoe boxes filled with personal care items for distribution to homeless shelters. Items include: toothbrushes, toothpaste, baby shampoo, deodorant, shaving cream, lotion, razors, soaps, washcloths, socks, comb/brush and underwear. (Trial sizes are welcome.) Once you have filled your shoebox, put a rubber band around it and label it: Man, Woman, Child-(Boy or Girl). Please bring your shoe boxes to the FLC lobby or to the hallway outside the sanctuary by Sunday, February 24. Thank you for your support! For more info, contact Chris Carl, [email protected]; 856/404-1706.
HELP TACKLE HUNGER: Since it began 28 years ago, Souper Bowl of Caring has raised more than $135 million for local charities across the country. NEXT SUNDAY, our youth will collect monetary donations for Souper Bowl of Caring which will go to the Turning Point UMC Food Pantry in Trenton. Youth will be at the back of the worship space in the FLC at the end of the 10:00 am service to receive your donations; checks made payable to MUMC with “Souper Bowl” in the memo line. If you don’t want to wait until next Sunday, you can donate today. Just drop your donation in the offering plate. Please make sure it is clearly labeled on the check or blue pew envelope for “Souper Bowl.”
CALLING ALL 8TH – 12TH GRADERS! It’s time to start thinking about our Summer Youth Mission Trip to Roanoke, VA to work with REACH. For more information about the REACH program visit We will take our trip on June 29th – July 5th, 2019 this summer. Are you interested in joining us or hearing more details? Registration has begun! Email Bethany Carl at [email protected].