Thu Oct 24 – It Matters

Ecclesiastes 3:9-13 (MSG)

9-13 But in the end, does it really make a difference what anyone does? I’ve had a good look at what God has given us to do—busywork, mostly. True, God made everything beautiful in itself and in its time—but he’s left us in the dark, so we can never know what God is up to, whether he’s coming or going. I’ve decided that there’s nothing better to do than go ahead and have a good time and get the most we can out of life. That’s it—eat, drink, and make the most of your job. It’s God’s gift.


There are so many shows and books that discuss just how little humans know. Even when supernatural beings are involved they seem to know very little about the goings-on of God. Supernatural, The Good Place, and Good Omens, are only three examples and that’s just a few that I’ve seen. Characters, humans or not, consistently face the question… does what they do matter

Careful now… it’s easy to go down the rabbit hole on this one. 

Simply answered… No: the universe is infinite and we are tiny specs in the timeline of Creation’s history. 

But ALSO… Simply answered… YES! Because what you do matters to you and it matters to the people around you. 

Mr. Rogers taught us to look for the helpers. Steve and Blue taught us that we are smart and “we can do anything we want to do.” Steve Irwin and his family continue to teach us that all animals deserve respect and kindness. Even Snoop Dogg is teaching kids, “There is no one better to be than myself.” These are small lessons every day that are important enough that we remember and cherish them for generations. They teach us to value ourselves and the people around us. 

Maybe these aren’t the best examples because let’s face it, these people are famous and have touched millions of lives. Of course what they do matters! 

What about you and me? Does what we do matter? 

Hmm… There is my friend, Heather, who was the matron of honor at a wedding this weekend. There is my friend, Jada, who has started her own business out of her home baking bread, bagels, and other delicious goods. There is my friend, Roxie,  who is a manager at a restaurant with a slew of regular customers. These people do what brings them joy and their joy is contagious. Heather’s friend was counting on her to make every moment of the wedding special and she did! Jada’s customers look forward to freshly made bread daily and she loves baking it! Roxie has cultivated friendships with her regulars who rely on her exuberance when they need it most, and she loves them! That is worth celebrating. 

What you do matters… especially to you!

by Ashley Bowler

For Pondering and Prayer

What brings you joy in life? How do you spread joy to others? What do others do that bring you joy? How does what they do matter in your life? What do you think others value about you and your life?

Prayer: Dear Timeless and Mysterious God, We have no clue what Your grand plan is! We don’t know how we fit into it. We do know that we are your children and even if we aren’t royalty, a celebrity, or a Nobel prize winner, we still matter. We can still love unconditionally, serve others, and live a valuable life in our ways. Everything in its time and everyone in their purpose. Amen.

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