Tue May 12-So I Will Sing

Psalm 18:46-50 (CEB)

46 The Lord lives! Bless God, my rock!
    Let the God of my salvation be lifted high!
47 This is the God who avenges on my behalf,
    who subdues people before me,
48     who delivers me from my enemies.
Yes, you lifted me high above my adversaries;
        you delivered me from violent people.
49     That’s why I thank you, Lord,
        in the presence of the nations.
    That’s why I sing praises to your name.
50 You are the one who gives great victories to your king,
    who shows faithful love to your anointed one—
    to David and to his descendants forever.


Because we are human beings, it is easy for us to doubt.  When my thoughts drift toward doubt, I am convinced that God has not heard my cry. Then I read verses like those in this Psalm that call me into a deeper, more positive relationship with the Lord: “The Lord lives! Blessed be my Rock!”  Particularly, when I hear verse forty-nine, “I will sing praises to your name,” I know I need to change my perspective.  The words, “blessed be….” remind me of the song, “Blessed be Your Name” and that too calls me into singing, despite my temporary feelings of being depressed and downtrodden.

Lately I have been listening and singing to music, even though I also find myself crying about this tragedy that is hurting so many.  Music is something that can keep us positive in these dark days.  Also we are all probably missing loved ones and longing to sit in the sanctuary to worship together in the church building. Here in Psalm 18, we are given another song of praise that helps us remember to sing – despite difficulty!

This is a psalm of praise for God and the interdependent relationship of God’s anointed people. So blessed be my Rock! I don’t want to stop singing or saying this phrase, because through it all, I hear a voice that inspires me to keep singing, “the Lord is my Rock.”  Blessed be my Rock!

By Barbara Carlson

For Pondering & Prayer

Prayer: Blessed be your Name, Lord. We will keep singing praises to and in your Holy Name! Despite all else, we are grateful to be called into relationship with you.  Thanks be to God! Blessed be my Rock! Amen.

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