Tue May 21-The Holy Spirit

John 14:1517(CEB)

15 “If you love me, you will keep my commandments. 16 I will ask the Father, and he will send another Companion,[a] who will be with you forever. 17 This Companion is the Spirit of Truth, whom the world can’t receive because it neither sees him nor recognizes him. You know him, because he lives with you and will be with you.


Before I write about a scripture I try to be sure that I am capturing the meaning to the best of my ability which may include looking at a different translation. The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is a translation of the Bible in contemporary English like the CEB. I found the commentary from the “CSB Tony Evans Study Bible” to be helpful to me and share it here in the hope that you find it helpful as well.   

14:15 According to Jesus, obedience is the proof of love. Our relationship with him, not a fear of disappointing him, drives our desire to please him.

14:16 In Greek there are two words that could be used to mean another. One means “another of a different kind”, the other means “another of the same kind.” The latter is used here. The Holy Spirit is another Counselor, but one who shares in the divine nature. Therefore, God would still be with them in the person of God the Holy Spirit. The same sovereign love and power they enjoyed in Jesus, then, would be present in their lives. Importantly, when you trust in Christ to take away your sins and give you eternal life, the Holy Spirit also comes to dwell within you, ministering the presence of God to you.


The only way to know and receive the Spirit of God is through knowing and receiving the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Personally I like the footnote in the CEB that identifies “another” as an “advocate” giving us that image to augment companion and counselor.

In Pastor Joe’s message this past Sunday he gave us two powerful statements in his introduction to the Holy Spirit. “God is real” and “God still does stuff.” What really brought fullness to those statements was his telling us how much he appreciates having heard so many stories, that people are eager to share, about feeling God’s presence in their lives.      

by Clarence Beverage

For Pondering and Prayer

For a large part of my life I have sensed God’s presence at odd times and intervals, through the Spirit, in many different ways. The story I will tell you now feels like a good example as it is something bad that turned into a wonderful gift.

A number of years ago I had prostate cancer and drove 5 days a week to the treatment center for radiation in Mt. Holly. Before the start I had anxiety and Laura and I were wondering if the treatment would be successful, what about side effects, what comes next…? The first day I decided to listen to contemporary Christian music going up and back every day for weeks. God’s presence through the music gave me the ability to be at peace in a way that would not have otherwise happened. To this day I look back at that as a very special and peaceful time.

I don’t think about that story often, it isn’t in my everyday consciousness. How about you? When you sit back and let thoughts and experiences wash over you, what do you think of?

Prayer: Holy Lord God, Savior Jesus, Holy Spirit, thank you for your word which shows us the way, the truth, and the life that you want us to have. Your word lights our path to closer relationship with you. We thank you for your many blessings, ask for your strength during difficult times, and pray for discernment through you as we navigate each day. Amen.

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