“Give thanks to the Lord because he is good,
because his faithful love lasts forever!”
A few weeks back, when I preached about how God meets us in times of change and transition, I heard back a mix of responses on how people felt about change. Some were big fans of change and talked about how they embrace it easily. Others expressed that they do not like change or that they struggle to see any need for change. Some people looked inwardly, others looked at their loves ones. It was a very interesting set of responses as it spoke to the many different places people of the same community can be over the same idea.
In today’s text, though, our Psalmist is expressing their thanks over God’s goodness since it comes from a “faithful love that lasts forever”. The human life, no matter where we are or how we feel about it, is rooted in change. We are constantly evolving as a culture and as individuals. That change, as we talked about a few weeks back, can be uncomfortable. We can drag our feet and put it off until we’re backed into a corner. But even in those times where transition is forced upon our lives through the death of a loved one, or job loss, or whatever it may be, and our lives seems out of our control and everything seems difficult to grab a hold of, remember what the one constant in our lives is:
God is Lord. God is good. God’s faithful love lasts forever.
By Rachel Callender
For Pondering & Prayer
Can you identify a big change in your life lately? How does your faith play a role in moving through that transition?
Prayer: Loving God, our lives are chaotic tornadoes that seem impossible to catch up with. Our lives change faster than we do sometimes. Help us. Guide us. Be our rock when all else changes. Amen.