Tues Aug 10-Be Encouraged

John 16:33 (CEB)

33 I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.”


Today’s text comes from a long speech of Jesus close to the crucifixion. Jesus is sort of laying all the cards out for the disciples, letting them in on things that weren’t previously said, and is avoiding the analogous language that is typically privy to Christ. The disciples are still riding the struggle bus but seem happy about the plainer language being used in this lecture. Jesus finishes the speech with today’s text: “…I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.”

Basically, Jesus is trying the let the friends in that a lot of really extreme and scary things are about to happen, but remember who Jesus is. Have peace, because no matter how chaotic and horrible the world gets, God has already got a firm hold on the world. What seems out of control to us, is well within God’s control.

Chaos is chaos. Everyone has it. It’s no use comparing the chaos of our lives to the chaos of others. What’s manageable for someone else might not be manageable for us. It’s okay to not be okay. Whatever chaos you may be looking at in your life, whatever fears or stresses that reek havoc on your mind, body and spirit, look to Christ for peace. Remember that to God, all of it is manageable.

By Rachel Callender

For Pondering & Prayer

Finding courage and peace in God is often easier said than done. What is one thing you can do today to invite more of that into your life? Maybe it’s sharing with a friend about what’s bothering you, maybe it’s finally getting around to mending a relationship, maybe it’s just some solid prayer time without interruption. Make space for that today.

Prayer: God of Peace, in this loud, distressing world, help us to single You out as our source of hope and safety. Amen.

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