Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary!
Praise God in his fortress, the sky!
2 Praise God in his mighty acts!
Praise God as suits his incredible greatness!
3 Praise God with the blast of the ram’s horn!
Praise God with lute and lyre!
4 Praise God with drum and dance!
Praise God with strings and pipe!
5 Praise God with loud cymbals!
Praise God with clashing cymbals!
6 Let every living thing praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Only 6 verses, but with the word, “Praise” 13 times! Praise God!
I love this call, this celebration of praising God in God’s sanctuary! That praise can be done with the loud instruments like the one’s named, or through music and dance (like mentioned in yesterday’s devotional). It can also be done by looking to the sky, by praising God’s actions of goodness in our lives, by entering into God’s sanctuary. We do that when we enter the actual church sanctuary (or the virtual sanctuary we’ve had over this past 15 months), but what about the rest of the week? How and where do we worship and praise God beyond Sunday morning?
I can remember this trip I took my last semester of seminary out west with a group of colleagues to explore unique ministry ventures. While in Colorado, our instructor decided to take us to climb the red rocks. Being the born and raised Jersey girl that I am, I had never experienced anything like these views. As we stood atop the red rocks, looking over the clear skied horizon, someone in our group said beside me in a low voice, “We’re in God’s sanctuary.” I found this very impactful. Of course I always knew that God can be praised anywhere, I can pray or give thanks or what have you anywhere anytime, but something about calling a beautiful view, “God’s sanctuary” hit me hard.
I think of that any time a moment, a view, an interaction, a sound brings praise to God to my mind.
Praise the Lord!
By Rachel Callender
For Pondering & Prayer
When in your life have you felt like you were in God’s sanctuary? What would it look like to seek that out?
Prayer: Holy Lord, praise be to you! Hear our praise for you wherever we may be. Amen.