Wed April 3 – Risen

Luke 24:6-7(CEB)

He isn’t here, but has been raised. Remember what he told you while he was still in Galilee, that the Human One[a] must be handed over to sinners, be crucified, and on the third day rise again.”


“It’s one of my favorite Bible verses.” I know I say this a lot. Oh well, it is one of my favorite Scriptures. I don’t see it or use it often enough. It’s not even one of my assigned verses. But I was taught to read the verses before and after the verse I was looking at. So glad I did it this time.

To set the stage, it was “Very early in the morning on the first day of the week, the women went to the tomb, bringing the fragrant spices they had prepared.” They wanted to anoint the body of Christ. They weren’t sure who would move the stone. But they needed to have wondered. The stone was moved. The grave was empty. But suddenly two men appeared, two angels.

Then the angels spoke, using one of my favorite verses, “Why do you look for the living among the dead? He isn’t here but has been raised.” Jesus had told them he would be raised again.

How many times a day could an angel, my wife, or even a friend ask me, “Why do I search for the living among the dead. It happens every time I doubt, or get tempted, or sin. I know temptation isn’t a sin. But it could quickly turn to sin if I’m looking for the body of a dead Christ instead of looking for the body of a risen Christ.

I don’t think many folks think the Bible is funny. But every so often they use a verse like this one.

The next time you are tempted, cut right to the chase and look for the living savior.

Why the heck would I look for the living among the dead.

by Rick Reed

For Pondering and Prayer

It’s okay to have a favorite verse, or many favorite verses. But help me to use them when I need them. Why do I look for the living among the dead.


Prayer: My Lord, once again I ask you to help me when I am tempted. Help me to know that you are living eternally, and I can live eternally as well. Amen.

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