Wed Jun 8-The Doctor’s Companion

John 14:25-27 (CEB)

25 “I have spoken these things to you while I am with you. 26 The Companion, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I told you.

27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. I give to you not as the world gives. Don’t be troubled or afraid.


In the show “Doctor Who”, the protagonist is “The Doctor” and in the shows on and off history since 1963, The Doctor has been played by 12 different men and 1 woman. The basic premise is that The Doctor travels through time and space in a Tardis which looks like a vintage British phone booth and gets into all sorts of adventures. The Doctor, though, would be nothing without their companion. The companion is someone (or at times, 2 people) who travel with The Doctor for plenty of different reasons: needing a change, love, trying to solve a problem. And if you’re wondering who the best Doctor is, the answer is the Tenth Doctor, and if you’re wondering who the best companion is, her name was Donna Noble. On this, I will not budge.

The Doctor is brilliant, can do almost anything, knows practically everything, but is nothing without the companion. Knowledge and gifts and skills and stories can become meaningless if not shared. I think the translation of the Holy Spirit to “Companion”, as mentioned yesterday, is intentional. God is, in and of Godself, relationship. We are meant to be in relationship with one another: friendly, familial, romantic, professional – all different kinds of relationships.

God longs to be our companion in life, sharing in the best and worst parts of our days.

by Rachel Callender

For Pondering & Prayer

Think about what it would be like to invite The Companion into your life today – into your adventures and heartaches and learning. What does it mean to you to be sharing that in relationship with God?

Prayer: God, we often go about our days trying to shut you out. Today, we invite you to adventure with us and give even the simplest parts of our days meaning and joy. Amen.

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