Wed May 27-Buildings

1 Chronicles 28:20 (CEB)

“Be strong and courageous,” David said to his son Solomon. “Get to work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, because the Lord God, my God, is with you. He’ll neither let you down nor leave you before all the work for the service of the Lord’s temple is done.


We may not be too familiar with part of our Judeo-Christian history that includes building the first Temple in Jerusalem to house the Ark of the Covenant. Refer to the beginning of 1 Chronicles 28 to get a clearer picture. David’s son Solomon is the one chosen for the task. All the blueprints and materials are given to Solomon for completion of the building, but courage and fearlessness only come if he trusts in the Lord and believes that God is with him through the tasks that God has given him to do.

The same is true for the challenges we all face. The process of building a home followed by moving and setting up a new household is not quite as overwhelming a task as building a temple, but if you aren’t conscientious about keeping God foremost in your heart it can become a frightening experience. Trust the Lord to be with you in the process and even the challenges won’t seem as enormous.

Whether you are building a house, a household, or a new life with Christ, it’s necessary to use the tools and resources God has given you. Above all, do not fear, have faith in God’s guiding presence and grace, knowing that when you make a mistake, God forgives and sets you back on the right path.

By Kathleen Stolz

For Pondering & Prayer

It was originally believed that God used to abide only in the temple in Jerusalem. Paul later clarified in 1 Corinthians 3: 16 “Don’t you know that you are God’s temple and God’s Spirit lives in you?” And then he wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that “your body is a temple.” WE are the place in which God dwells. We no longer meet God only in a temple or a church, but rather ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE God’s people are.

Pray for all God’s people, here and around the world who are wrestling with the decision about when to return to church for worship, Sunday School, and all the activities that create a church community. Grant us patience to wait for God’s perfect time to return to our buildings. Do not be afraid or discouraged. God is with us.

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