“Cast your burden on the Lord—
he will support you!
God will never let the righteous be shaken!”
When I first heard this half-truth, “God won’t give you more than you can handle, “I really didn’t think it was a half-truth. I thought 1 Corinthians 10:13 covered it. In the New International Version it reads,
“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
I was wrong. It should be, “I can’t be given more than I can handle, if I’m part of the Lord’s Church.”
I wish I had heard Pastor Joe’s sermon from Sunday while I was married to my first wife. For those who don’t know, I was married to Nancy for 41 years. She was ill for the last 11 years. And I was under the impression that God wouldn’t put me through more than I could handle. And I went through a lot those 11 years.
I also survived it.
But I wasn’t alone. I had a church family praying for me, providing meals and also counseling.
If we believe the half truth that God won’t give me more than I can handle, I wouldn’t need my church family. But God never intended for me to go it alone.
Just look at Psalm 55:22: “Cast your burden on the Lord—he will support you! God will never let the righteous be shaken!”
Getting trials, tribulations and temptations can be daunting…should be daunting, especially if I try to go through it alone. But we are not alone if we are in Christ.
As Pastor Joe said on Sunday, “We were NEVER meant to carry all the burdens of living by ourselves.”
I have people in Florida that I can lean on. And now I am blessed with two church families. One in the south and one in the north.
I feel so sorry for folks without a church family to lean on.
I’m so grateful for mine.
by Rick Reed
For Pondering & Prayer
Just remember if you are part of a church, you are never alone.
Prayer: Dear God, thank you for those you’ve given to walk this road with me – for family, for friends, for my church. Thank you that I don’t have to go through trying times alone. Amen.