Author name: Jeneene Reduker


Thu Feb 6-God Cares for You

Anxiety? We all have a lot to worry about! Whether it’s health, money, disasters or relationships, everyone has worries. Anxiety keeps us up at night, our social media feeds and those “breaking news” alerts keep us in a constant state of worry during the day. It seems the more we worry, the more we seek to control our lives.


Fri Jan 24-Be the Best to Each Other

Mark Twain said, “Comparison is the death of joy” and nothing will kill your joy faster than scrolling through social media. It’s probably because we are comparing our worst moment, to someone else’s best moment, because in comparing ourselves to others we aren’t playing on a level field. While we want to be happy for our friend’s successes


Mon Jan 13 God’s Faithful Love

Where would we be without God’s faithful love in our lives? I know I can’t imagine my life without God’s love! God’s love is undeserved, eternal, unconditional, unfailing, patient, kind, loyal, merciful, compassionate, steadfast, generous, grace filled, and life giving. The psalmist in this psalm calls on us to meditate on God’s faithful love in our lives


Wed Jan 1-Focus on God

It’s that time again, when we look at the close of one year and enter into a new year of the unlimited possibility of God’s Kin-dom. How will God’s Spirit be at work in our lives this year? Many of us may be glad to see the end of 2024 and happy to move on into 2025


Mon Dec 23-Joseph Was a Good Man

Joseph was a good man, and who could ask for more? He is clearly not the biological father of Mary’s child but Joseph isn’t concerned with who is the father when he decides to quietly call off the engagement. According to my study bible, Joseph’s decision to call off their engagement


Fri Dec 13-Socks and World Peace

Every year, since I was a child, I would ask my father what he would like me to get him for Christmas. As a child, I had a somewhat limited budget saved in my piggy bank. The reply was always the same; “You can get me some new socks and world peace.”


Mon Dec 2-Standing in God’s Grace

I love Advent! There’s something so moving when we light the first candle on the Advent
wreath, it reminds me of the unimaginable possibilities of living in God’s Kin-dom. It’s as if that flame on the candle focuses our attention on all the things we crave and wait for in our lives-hope, love, joy and peace


Tue Nov 19-Grateful for Prayer

Jesus had a very busy and exhausting day. In Mark Chapter 1 Jesus is calling to the disciples to come and join him, he’s healing the sick and casting out demons from the crowds of people who came to Jesus for healing. Then, before sunrise, Jesus rose to pray alone


Thu Nov 7-All Aboard!

God is also calling out “All aboard!” to each of us in every moment of eternity, offering us salvation through God’s love and grace. Because God is eternal, divine time is all about what’s happening right now, at the right time and now is the time for salvation!


Fri Oct 25-Wise Hearts

This weekend I was at the Caregiver Renewal Retreat held at our church. Our retreat leader, Rev. Shawn Callender Hogan, set up a series of prayer stations where we could pause for reflection on where we are in our caregiver journey. One prayer station caught my attention because it was about time.


Wed Oct 16-What Time Is It?

Lately, I really feel like the clock is ticking and that I never have enough time to get everything done. I keep looking at my watch and my calendar and time seems to be accelerating. As humans, our concept of time is linear. We see our lives stretch out from birth to death.


Fri Oct 4- Walking With God

What is it that God wants from us? This is the question that Israel asks when the prophet Micah points out their failure to uphold their end of the covenant that God made with Israel. God has been faithful to Israel, but they have fallen away from loving God.

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