12 So then, brothers and sisters, we have an obligation, but it isn’t an obligation to ourselves to live our lives on the basis of selfishness. 13 If you live on the basis of selfishness, you are going to die. But if by the Spirit you put to death the actions of the body, you will live. 14 All who are led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons and daughters.
Henry Nouwen, in his book “Clowning in Rome (pp.83-84.),” tells a story about a sculptor being observed by a small child. For months the sculptor worked hard chipping away at the marble, piece by piece, working steadily on the rough marble. Then one day the child returned to the studio and was astonished. Sitting where the block of marble had been was a majestic lion. The wide eyed child looked at the sculptor and asked, “Sir, how did you know there was a lion inside?” The sculptor replied, “Boy, I knew this lion was in the stone, because I saw him there with my heart and then I removed everything that was not the lion.” In order to create something new, it seems it’s a matter of seeing what can be, by seeing with the heart.
This is how God sees us, God sees us as God’s own beloved children. We start as imperfect fallen beings and God removes everything that is not of the Spirit. Our sin and brokenness dies with Christ and we are resurrected to new life in Christ. I feel like this is what Paul is saying to us in these verses. Because God’s grace has done this for us, we have an obligation to live our lives by allowing ourselves to be led by the Spirit and not by our own earthly desires. The Spirit in each of us, sees us as children of God, and empowers us to love like God loves us, unconditionally. First the Spirit transforms each of us, then this unconditional, Spirit gifted love becomes ours, so that we can love God and show God’s love to others, in order to transform
the world.
by Jeneene Reduker
For Pondering and Prayer
God’s Spirit leads us each day, chipping away and removing what doesn’t belong, transforming us into what God created us to be. We need to yield to the transforming love of God and not go our own way where we can become lost. This is how we find our purpose in this world as the Spirit led children of God.
What is the Spirit “chipping away” from you to reveal God’s Spirit within? Are you yielding to the work of the Spirit, or are you going your own way?
Prayer: Holy and Loving God, we yield ourselves to your transforming love. Lead us by your Spirit so that we can share your love with others, Amen.