Fri Jul 7-A Full Heart

Colossians 3:23-24

23 Whatever you do, do it from the heart for the Lord and not for people. 24 You know that you will receive an inheritance as a reward. You serve the Lord Christ.


I am an active person by nature and God knows this is how I am wired. So when my activities sparked an acquaintance to whimsically declare me to be “Glutton for Punishment,” now I was taken a little aback. I recoiled at the next question,  “Why do you do everything that you do?” 

Hmm… Why does anyone? I thought.

In my head, my answer was for My God, I hope. (At least, that was my first thought….) Maybe I needed a healthy reminder.

Beyond our responsibilities, perhaps the “why” of what we do is something we all must question. Of course, as life changes so can our focus, our attention and our intention. Paul’s words in Colossians speak to the heart of understanding the reason for our actions. In fact, if you read all of Colossians chapter 3, it is one challenge after another to remember that in whatever we do, we do all things with a full heart and mind of Christ. As Christians, we don’t do things for our own accolades or for our earthly desires, because when we do, this is not of God. We try instead to keep Christ in mind in all that we do. This reminds me that I also especially enjoy Col. 3:17, Whatever you do, whether in speech or action, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus and give thanks to God the Father through him.” (CEB)

As for me, my intentions and actions need constant reflection. Of course, I can and frequently do get things wrong. Although no one can answer for you, where is your heart in what you do? How does your relationship with God challenge your perspective? It is an individual thing. No one can speak for you, but there is One who can answer this question with you. 

Fortunately, Our Lord and Savior can help us all understand our intentions, and our heart for living God’s mission here in this world. Our Lord knows us better than we know ourselves. Through prayer, we begin to understand how we can live with a heart and mind like Jesus regardless of any earthly reward. Furthermore, through constant prayer, may we all know and act for God’s delight. 

by Barbara Carlson

For Pondering & Prayer

From time to time, we all need a reminder to focus on the heart of Jesus in whatever we do. A little reflection is a good thing! How does your relationship with God challenge your perspective in what you do? What is it that you do in particular that draws you closer to knowing God’s heart-filled mission for you?

Prayer: Dear Jesus, Thanks be to you for your guidance in helping me live with a full heart. Thank you for the chance to be closer to you through prayer and with thanksgiving. Amen.

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