Fri Jun 3-The Great Mirror

2 Corinthians 3:17-18 (CEB)

17 The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Lord’s Spirit is, there is freedom. 18 All of us are looking with unveiled faces at the glory of the Lord as if we were looking in a mirror. We are being transformed into that same image from one degree of glory to the next degree of glory. This comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.


How often do we think of our Lord’s Spirit as giving us freedom? It seems more likely that people complain that organized religion ties them to a particular obligation than to anything freeing. Certainly being a Christian means that we feel responsible to be more “Christ-like.” As Christians, we want to emulate Jesus in all that we do. Yet all this sense of responsibility might have its own downside. Could we miss some of Jesus’ intent for living Christ-like? Remember, Jesus also knew the importance of resting and of finding joy.

Are we so worried about how we might serve in Jesus’ name that we forget that we are free to come just as we are? This scripture also says that we are a reflection of our Lord. “All of us are looking with unveiled faces at the glory of the Lord as if we were looking in a mirror.”

Today and everyday, we are part of the Lord’s Spirit as the Body of Christ. We are part of the Great Mirror that reflects all of the glory of God, just as we are. Perhaps today’s a sad day in which we experienced grief or worried about someone’s health. Perhaps today’s a day where you were angry or a day you remembered that you could dance and sing! Maybe it was simply a day in which you stood up when everyone else sat down. Yet the Lord’s Spirit was there.

Our unique reactions are reflections of the Lord’s Spirit – just as long as we continue to look up and from within for all the ways of Our LORD. We can still be reflecting the Lord’s Spirit when we listen as Christians. Moment by moment, we reflect God’s glory by connecting to one another and the Spirit. As a community, the Spirit is alive in us, just as we are also alive in the Spirit! There is freedom to be, but come as you are! All are welcome.

by Barbara Carlson

For Pondering & Prayer

As Christians, we may know the great sense of responsibility that is a part of our calling. Yet we are also called by the Lord’s Spirit to come just as we are. There is freedom here. Since together we reflect the Lord’s Spirit, how do you see our congregation reflecting God for and in the world? Reach out today to someone in our community. Tell them your thoughts about the freedom that God gives you to live in and for the Spirit.

Prayer: Great Spirit, we are free to live in you as you call us to be. Thank you for your love and acceptance to come as we are. Help us to see your goodness reflected in the world. Help us to be a part of the community that reflects you openly for all those we meet each day. Amen.

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