Fri Mar 18-Leaning In!

Psalm 63:5-8 (CEB)

I’m fully satisfied—
    as with a rich dinner.
My mouth speaks praise with joy on my lips—
    whenever I ponder you on my bed,
    whenever I meditate on you
        in the middle of the night—
    because you’ve been a help to me and I shout for joy in the protection of your wings.
My whole being clings to you;
    your strong hand upholds me.


In Psalm 63:5-8, the Psalmist wants to bask in God’s goodness; to revel in the wonders of every part of God’s being. It is not just about finding God or knowing that God is near in the middle of the night or when disaster threatens. There is the newfound joy of truly leaning into God’s presence! It is about really clinging to God’s goodness and grace with one’s whole being.

Cue the sporty person in my head that sees various athletic metaphors about leaning in with one’s whole body. I am reminded of “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat,” of the Wide World of Sports tape that plays in my mind. I remember the downhill skier who infamously leans into the ski jump – only to crash through the side guardrail. Or cue the metaphor of the sprinter leaning in at the tape, or of the pitcher and batter throwing their whole weight behind the ball! (Depending on how you see the end of that baseball scene, the ball is either miraculously knocked out of the park, or the batter amazingly goes down swinging.) But to literally throw one’s whole being into something, now that is saying something. And to really lean into all of God’s goodness for us – now that is living!

Through this scripture, the psalmist leans into God’s grace and then lives there. The author speaks of clinging to God with their whole being. So leaning into God is to live for much more than just the end result! It is to live past knowing God’s presence or knowing that God loves us. It is, as the psalmist knows, to live into joy and to bask, lounge, and enjoy every part of God’s loving gifts for us. It is to be fully satisfied, “like eating a rich meal.” Imagine being fully satisfied while still safe and secure. Today and everyday, cling to God’s goodness with your whole being! Stay there and be satisfied. Lean in and live into God’s goodness just for you.

By Barbara Carlson

For Pondering & Prayer

Today’s psalm has us clinging to God and thoroughly enjoying God’s love. How often do you stop yourself from some part of joy or from the enjoyment of just being with God? How often do you fully lean into joy? Do you continue to say, “No, that is enough,” without truly enjoying God’s gifts? Or do you lean into and cling to God with your whole being? Cling to God. For today and every day, lean into God’s love and enjoy living there.

Prayer: Gracious God, you take good care of me. Thank you for your love and kindness. Help me to fully appreciate all that you offer me with gladness. Let me cling to your good ways and rejoice. Let me lean into all your good gifts with my whole being. Amen.

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