15 So be careful to live your life wisely, not foolishly. 16 Take advantage of every opportunity because these are evil times. 17 Because of this, don’t be ignorant, but understand the Lord’s will.
Wisdom?!?! King Solomon asked for it sometime around 970 BC, Paul wrote this letter to the Ephesians around 60 AD, and on this All Saints Day in 2024, Joe could preach a sermon on this text that would encompass wisdom for the evil of our day. All people have gone through evil times – it is the nature of being human from the beginning of time – we all have evil thoughts and sometimes we choose to act on those. We tend to think that our time is the most evil, but we can debate that. We all know we feel like this particular time with this election shows us what evil can look like. This text reminds us of what we need to do – sometimes easier said than done. The Amplified Bible says of verse 16: “Making the very most of your time (on earth, recognizing and taking advantage of each opportunity and using it with wisdom and diligence), because the days are (filled with) evil.” The New Living Translation says of verse 17 “Don’t act thoughtlessly but understand what the Lord wants you to do.”
A couple of weeks ago I didn’t have much planned for my week, but suddenly I was working late on Monday night, going to dinner and to see Stevie Wonder on Tuesday night, having dinner with a friend which turned out to be helping her with a medical issue on Wednesday night, going to a rally to hear President Obama speak on Thursday night, and going to dinner and my first opera on Friday night. I was exhausted from the late nights by Saturday, but what a great week it had been! Had I said no to any of those opportunities, I would not have had any of those enriching, fun, and amazing times with my friends and my son. These events also gave me time to not have to focus on the evil and have some fun! That is also a very wise thing to do in my opinion.
As we approach the election, especially being from the “swingiest of swing states” (PA), we have been constantly inundated with commercials – many of which have the same messaging from both sides – that we will be much better off in all ways with the candidate the ad is touting. The rhetoric can be horrible, and there are obvious lies. We are constantly watching commercials from candidates – some of which actually carry warnings beforehand. If all of that isn’t evil, then how about the cost of the election itself? Couldn’t we use that money to help people?
Our system can be disheartening at times, and my one little vote feels small, but I liken it to each leaf I watch falling from a tree. When the leaves are together on the tree, they provide shade and shelter. When they fall to the ground, they cover it – tiny as they are, they add up to something totally different. Our votes add up, and we decide who our leaders are going to be. That is a daunting task that requires wisdom and requires us to take advantage of the opportunity to vote. In some countries, voting is a sham or doesn’t happen at all. In this country, we are voting for the person who will be the most powerful person in the entire world, the person who has the nuclear codes to our country at their fingertips. How do we make these decisions and “understand the Lord’s will”? Just like everything else, we pray, and we use the gifts God has given us to be able to discern what God wants us to do. My decision on how I vote may not be the same as yours, but we are doing God’s will by participating in the process. God will help us through whatever happens if we continue to rely on the Lord.
by Janet Waryck
For Pondering and Prayer
How are you feeling about “these times”? Are you taking advantage of the opportunities given to you to enjoy and experience life and to make things better on this earth? Are you asking God for direction with little decisions as well as the big ones so that those leaves don’t overwhelm us when they pile up?
Prayer: God of all wisdom, Solomon asked you for wisdom, Paul exhorted the people of Ephesus to live wisely, and we ask you to grant us wisdom that we may live for you every minute of every day. May our lives be a testament to the opportunities you have given us. Help us to always remember to seek your will in our lives. Amen.