Mon Aug 23-Always Renewing

Romans 12:2 (CEB)

Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God’s will is—what is good and pleasing and mature.


At some point, as children in school, or in our own gardens we’ve watched a hungry caterpillar stop eating, spin a silky cocoon and hang upside down from a branch. Inside its protective cocoon an amazing transformation takes place. After some time, the butterfly emerges, a completely new creature, from this metamorphosis. During this life long process, the caterpillar has matured into a butterfly. As followers of Jesus, we can relate to this process of  transformation by the Spirit in our own lives.

In today’s reading, Paul commands us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, not conformed to the ways of the world. This sounds simple, but is hard for us to do. We’re bombarded at every turn with the allure of how the world works. The ever present “us versus them” mentality that divides us, rather than unites us. The grasping and hoarding of resources, when if shared, would be enough for everyone. Conforming to the world means we are slaves to the world.

It’s no wonder that Paul wants us to be transformed by the love of God through Jesus. Only divine love can renew our minds and transform us into disciples. Only the divine living Word of God can speak to our hearts, redirect our minds, help us to change our behavior. Our journey of transformation from repentance to disciple is a process of maturing, through the constant action of the renewing of the Spirit. This is not something we can do on our own, it is God’s gift to us, and it sets us free from conforming to the world, to being freed by the transforming of God’s love.

By Jeneene Reduker

For Pondering & Prayer

So how do we get a renewed mind? This is God’s will for us, to seek God’s wisdom, and to learn from Jesus how to live the way of love. We need to pursue this with our whole heart. These internal changes are brought about by the Spirit who is always renewing our minds in every situation, and will bring about outward changes in our behavior. We can participate in this transformation when we join with the Spirit by reading our Bible, spending time in quiet reflection with God, serving others and always praying.

Are you conforming to the world in a certain situation? Are you seeking to be transformed by renewing your mind? How can you make time for the renewing of your mind today? Will you meditate, pray, or read your Bible or listen to Christian music?

Prayer: Holy God, we seek your wisdom, so that we won’t be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the Spirit who is renewing our minds. Help us to always make time to be in your presence, so that we may be transformed by your love. Amen.

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