Mon Oct 21 – Searching and Keeping

Ecclesiastes 3:6 (CEB)

A time for searching and a time for losing,
a time for keeping and a time for throwing away,


This verse makes me think of our relationships with people in the world, who do not live as believers, and our charge to live honorably. 1 Peter Chapter 2 tells us to abstain from evil by living so that all people who oppose us will see our good deeds. In different words, Peter called his people to a righteous life in a hostile world. Hostile back then is a subject for another time but it may be helpful to say that Peter probably wrote his letter after the burning of Rome and at the beginning of a 200 year period of Christian persecution.

The following fleshes out 1 Peter 4:7-11 in broader language. Looking at the beginning of verse 7 we can say that Peter tells us that our lives are finite, time is the boundary of opportunity, and we must make the most of our time. Prayer should be at the top of our list as it replaces self-focus with God-focus. We should love one another; love is defined not by our feelings but by sacrificing for the good of others. Be hospitable, welcoming, and serving, especially to those who can give nothing in return. Serving others, based on the spiritual gift or gifts we have received, allows us to be a conduit for God’s grace. Our serving should be based on the spiritual. Verse 11, at the start, implies that there are speaking gifts and serving gifts. Those who speak, or write, should do so with words and meaning that accurately reflect scripture. The remainder of the verse states that whoever serves, whatever the service, should do so by the strength which God supplies so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus to whom belongs glory and dominion for all time.

The scripture above is often used to describe Christian Living.

In this time of polarization and animosity over political perspectives I have found myself searching for the right words to use to help people from becoming disheartened and immobilized. What I want to lose is any hard heartedness and ability to see each and every person as God’s creation. What I would like to keep is my compassion and desire to find truth and express that in a way that is positive. What I would like to throw away, be done with, is racism, deliberate obfuscation, and efforts to hide truth.    

by Clarence Beverage

For Pondering and Prayer

What is your take on Peter’s description of Christian Living? Is it a framework that you can use? 

Just over two weeks from now, on November 5th, our election will be watched around the world because the entire world knows that the outcome will be significant and impacting. I like to have the time to think things through that are important to me, especially life impacting, and I have been doing that for a long time. How have you been able to apply God’s words to any concerns you have on this matter?

Prayer: Lord, Thank you for the presence of your Spirit. Help us to spend more time in prayer over the next two weeks thinking about what is right in your eyes. Help us to recognize that
we are truly imperfect, we all have biases, and need the presence of your Spirit, who you have promised is with us, to strengthen us as we go forward in time. Amen

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