6 Be strong! Be fearless! Don’t be afraid and don’t be scared by your enemies, because the Lord your God is the one who marches with you. He won’t let you down, and he won’t abandon you.
Be Brave! Be Strong! Bon Courage!
The setting for this statement is the bank of the river Jordan at the end of the journey for the children of Israel. Moses has led them up to this point but now Joshua will take over as their leader. Tradition and scripture tell us that Moses first said this to the entire entourage and then repeated it specifically to Joshua himself. The NIV translation uses these more familiar
words, “ 6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”
BE STRONG and COURAGEOUS! Or as the French say “Bon Courage!”
My husband and I were blessed some years ago to take a cycling vacation through the Loire Valley in France. Each day we set out on a cycling journey through magnificent wine country and lovely little towns to our lunch stop. After lunch we completed our journey arriving at our dinner and overnight accommodations. If we were too tired along the way, there was a
“sag wagon” to rescue us with our bikes. One of our cycling guides began each morning with the memorable words “Bon Courage!” to cheer us on our way. So, when I realized that Pastor Joe’s theme for September was “Courageous” I could hear those words “Bon Courage” echo from that cycling trip and the Old Testament. “Bon Courage” is an essential French expression for offering verbal support before or during a difficult task, especially as words of encouragement when driving past a cyclist going uphill. It is a great reminder that you are not alone as people cheer you on and give you a burst of energy. Moses reminds his people they are not alone even though he will not continue to lead them. Every believer in God Almighty can feel courageous knowing that s/he is not alone in even the most challenging task.
The Hebrew word translated as “courageous” is also translated as “daring” “fearless” and “audacious.” It literally means “strength of heart.” I use those words to describe our granddaughters as I have observed them learning to guide horses from beginning riders to experienced jumpers. Imagine a hundred-pound person telling a thousand-pound horse what to do! Before a lesson they ready the horse to be saddled. In addition to brushing the horse
the rider learns how to lean into the horse to get it to lift each hoof to clean it. Each task involved with a horse requires courage until the rider learns that they are not doing anything unless, and until, they learn that the horse is a partner, much as God is our partner in all that we do. Be brave! Be strong! Bon Courage!
by Kathleen Stolz
For Pondering and Prayer
What task have you encountered that really challenged you?
How did you resolve it?
Courageous people refuse to give up; they may look to others for
assistance, or they may take a rest and/or some nourishment to give them
strength to continue.
If you try and try and try without success, you may become discouraged but
remember Joshua and the task he was given. He was told to be
courageous and brave knowing that God was with him and would not let
him down or abandon him. As the saying from my childhood goes, “If at first
you don’t succeed, try, try again.” Bon courage, mon ami.”
Prayer: My partner, my helper, my God, be with me always. When I face challenges that seem beyond my control or ability, remind me that you are always with me and that you will not desert me. Give me courage and help me hear your still, small voice whispering “Breathe in. Breathe out. Move on.” Amen. (with thanks to Jimmy Buffett for that phrase)