7 Israel, wait for the Lord!
Because faithful love is with the Lord;
because great redemption is with our God!
Yesterday was Veteran’s Day. It was a day filled with Commemorations, Parades, Military Discounts, Poetry, and many other ways to honor our Veterans.
During World War II, Britain was waiting for America to join the Allies and hopefully put an end to Hitler and his regime. But there was something I think many Britain’s also realized: to wait upon the Lord.
And that is our verse for the day, Psalm 130:7, which reads: “Israel, wait for the Lord! Because faithful love is with the Lord; because great redemption is with our God!”
Do we wait for the Lord. Much, maybe most of the time, I don’t wait for the Lord. Why is that? I have my reasons, not good reasons but reasons none the less. When my first wife got sick, an illness that lasted the last 11 years of her life, I was more prayerful. But, in the end, she died. People have told me that God always answers prayers, sometimes the answer is no.
But that way never helped. Now when I don’t like the Lord’s answers, I’ll read Psalm 130. We don’t know who wrote this Psalm, but it’s 8 verses have answers I can live with. It begins by asking the Lord to listen to his voice and to pay close attention to his prayers for mercy.
Verse 3 and 4 are pivotal. The psalmist said if the Lord kept track of our sins who could stand a chance, and that forgiveness is his key and that is why he is honored. I wished I had thought that way when Nancy was sick.
Verses 5 and 6 are also pivotal. The psalmist waits for the Lord—always. He waits for the Lord because faithful love is with the Lord, great redemption is with our God.
God is the who will redeem us of all our sins. God will give us the way to get to Heaven.
by Rick Reed
For Pondering and Prayer
So many things enter my mind now, things I wish I did when I was younger. We need to always remember that God is with us and he does listen to us. Always.
Prayer: All loving and faithful God, help us to remember that you are always listening to
our prayers. It’s true, we may not get the answers we want but if we stay faithful we will get Heaven and an eternity with you. And that means everything. Amen