

Thu-Jul-25-Guidance for the Road Less Traveled

Success does not always look like what we imagined it would. One of the paths we took probably looked like a failure to some folks and yet in my heart I can see that the hand of God guided us safely into the future.
As you have journeyed through life Success does not always look like what we imagined it would. One of the paths we took probably looked like a failure to some folks and yet in my heart I can see that the hand of God guided us safely into the future.
As you have journeyed through life


Wed Jul 10-Didja’ Ever?

Didja’ ever have one of those days? I surely have! When worry after worry seems to get piled on you… When one thing after another goes wrong… When one thing after another is added to the ‘to do” list… When you go to bed and cannot fall asleep because of things swirling through your brain… When those worries enter your dreams, and you cannot escape them even when you finally get to sleep.

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