United Methodist


Fri-Jul 26-The Joy of Travel

Paul was a great letter writer. He used his communications to teach and guide his fledgling churches as they wrestled with the challenges they faced. He wrote letters that included inviting himself to come for a visit in his travels. His letters were requests for money to fund his travels


Thu-Jul-25-Guidance for the Road Less Traveled

Success does not always look like what we imagined it would. One of the paths we took probably looked like a failure to some folks and yet in my heart I can see that the hand of God guided us safely into the future.
As you have journeyed through life Success does not always look like what we imagined it would. One of the paths we took probably looked like a failure to some folks and yet in my heart I can see that the hand of God guided us safely into the future.
As you have journeyed through life


Wed-Jul-24 Obstacles to Peace

It would be very difficult to work for peace if you are judging others for their actions and/or beliefs (convictions). Not just difficult but it seems utterly impossible. Having an alcoholic father I really connected with Paul’s admonition in verse 14:20 “Don’t destroy what God has done because of good.


Tue-Jul 23-Guided by Convictions

I am very familiar with rapidly changing communities and cultural diversity, but I am
also aware that not everyone welcomes change. Nor does everyone choose to welcome people of cultures other than their own. It is not easy to comprehend the traditions, the foods, the spiritual practices, etc. of a culture other than our own


Mon-Jul 22-A Journey of Love

The concept of “Reconciliation” gave me a new way of looking at the world. I committed to teach people to love others as God loves each of us. It is work that continues to be sorely needed within our world that seems to be divided in so many ways.


Mon Jul 15 – Trust God to Go with Us

I wish there had been a dream for me like there was for Jacob. Phil and Dwight were thrilled for me and they had all the faith that I would do amazing things in this church. I was scared, but I trusted them and trusted God to fill in the rest.

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